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Table of Contents


Webconfig is a configuration management server. RDK devices download configurations from this server during bootup or notified when updates are available.

The project is written in GO and opensourced to RDK community -

Objective here is to setup the Webconfig server using opensourced  repo that can be used by RDK reference platform. 

Pre Requisites 

  • Access to Webconfig VM  -
  • Domain name -
  • Need random base64 encoded key  "WEBCONFIG_KEY "
  • GO version 1.17 and above 
  • Cassandra should be running 

Code Block
~# go version
go version go1.20.3 linux/amd64

~# cassandra -v

:~# ps -ef | grep cassa
cassand+  222987       1  0 May04 ?        02:01:43 /usr/bin/java

Build And Run Application

** Note:  

After build, modify "config/sample_webconfig.conf" based on the server ip and port detail

Code Block
$ export WEBCONFIG_KEY=`head -c 32 /dev/random | base64`
$ mkdir -p /app/logs/webconfig
$ cd /go/src/
$ make
$ bin/webconfig-linux-amd64 -f config/sample_webconfig.conf

Set Data to DB 

Code Block
curl -s -i "" -H 'Content-type: application/msgpack' --data-binary @privatessid.msgpack -X POST

curl -s -i "" -H 'Content-type: application/msgpack' --data-binary @moca.msgpack -X POST

Verify data in DB

Code Block
cqlsh:webconfig>  select * from xpc_group_config where cpe_mac='D83ADD0D178F';

 cpe_mac      | group_id    | error_code | error_details | expiry | params | payload                                                                                                                            | state | updated_time                    | version
 D83ADD0D178F |        moca |       null |          null |   null |   null |                                                                                                       0x81a6456e61626c65a474727565 |     2 | 2023-05-16 23:48:41.941000+0000 | 683076856
 D83ADD0D178F | privatessid |          0 |               |   null |   null | 0x8c105971de71bd30ae8a6d0fb10973174a97a0da0bd372b87f2342c132c554421de36916a06721d18cc1226d2a830b4af4297aa91611af89de4bf78b59859707 |     2 | 2023-05-16 23:48:24.845000+0000 | 563331257

(2 rows)

RDK Device downloads data

Code Block
~# curl -s ""                                                                
Content-type: application/msgpack
Etag: 683076856
Namespace: moca

Content-type: application/msgpack
Etag: 563331257
Namespace: privatessid
