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Table of Contents

POC - Scenario 

Following diagram shows interaction of Orchestration tool with CD Router Automation Engine via CD Router Service.

Advantage: No Jenkins resources are needed for triggering test execution.

New UI Screens 

Following UI Screens are required to be added in Orchestration

CD Router Test Trigger Page

  • To trigger an execution job in CDRouter, we can use webAPI mentioned in below link.  

On success, it will return 200 response code and status of execution will be Pending initially.

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CD Router Job Manager Screen

We can use API mentioned in below link, to get the status of jobs. When execution status changes to running, in the response of this API, we will get the result id. Using result id, we can get the result details of the job.

We can think of background thread checking for updates of running jobs from cdrouter.

To download execution logs, we can use API mentioned in below link:

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 CD Router Results Page

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Config Manage Page

From this page, user can view configs in CD Router

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 Package Manage Page

From this page, user can view packages in CD Router

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Use Case

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 DB Structure

Adding 2 new tables to automatics DB:

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Reference CD Router Web APIs: