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NoDescriptionConfiguration3.0 Test caseRemarks
1property to get default value of Device.WiFi.SSID.11.SSIDdefault.value.ssid.11.ssid3DOT0-TC-RDKB-DEFAULT-VALUES-1002Value should be the SSID value of Device.WiFi.SSID.11.SSID
2property to get default value of Device.WiFi.SSID.12.SSIDdefault.value.ssid.12.ssidValue should be the SSID value of Device.WiFi.SSID.12.SSID
3property to get the value of erouter0 IPv6 Global Addressdhcpv6.wan.ipv63DOT0-TC-RDKB-DHCP_CONFIG-1001

Value should be erouter0 IPv6 global address

Used for validation of TR181 parameter Device.DeviceInfo.X_COMCAST-COM_WAN_IPv6

4property to get the value of IPv6 Preferred Lifetimedhcpv6.ipv6.PreferredLifetimeIPv6 PreferredLifetime parameter value is same from DHCPv6 server
Used for validation of TR181 parameter Device.IP.Interface.1.IPv6Prefix.1.X_CISCO_COM_PreferredLifetime
5property to get the value of IPv6 Valid Lifetimedhcpv6.ipv6.ValidLifetimeIPv6 ValidLifetime parameter value is same from DHCPv6 server
Used for validation of TR181 parameter Device.IP.Interface.1.IPv6Prefix.1.X_CISCO_COM_ValidLifetime
6property to get the value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Endpointsafebrowsing.endpoint.url3DOT0-TC-RDKB-SAFEBROWSING-1002

value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Endpoint . 
7property to get the value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Blockpagesafebrowsing.blockpage.urlvalue of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Blockpage
8property to get the value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Warnpagesafebrowsing.warnpage.urlvalue of  Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Warnpage
9property to get the value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Cacheurlsafebrowsing.cacheurl.urlvalue of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.Cacheurl
10property to get the value of Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.OtmDedupFqdnsafebrowsing.otmdedupfqdnvalue of  Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AdvancedSecurity.SafeBrowsing.OtmDedupFqdn 
11property to get the value of Telemetry config urltelemetry.config.url






Value of Telemetry configuration url

12property to get the value T2 report profiles above 200kbtelemetry.t2.reportProfiles.above.200kbValue of Telemetry 2.0 Report profile above 200kb
13property to get the value T2 report profiles under 200kbtelemetry.t2.reportProfiles.200kbValue of Telemetry 2.0 Report profile under 200kb
14property to get the value of FirmwareDownloadURL above 4k sizefirmware.cdl.url.above.4kbValue of Firmware Download Location URL above 4k size
15property to get the value of Firmware Download Location URL below 4k sizecdl.rdkb.dac15.urlValue of Firmware Download Location URL below 4k size
16property to get the value of telemetry cert file telemetry.cert3DOT0-TC-RDKB-LONG_TERM_CERTS-1001value of telemetry cert file "dcm-cpe-xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.cert.pem"
17property to get the search value of Telemetry_TLSTelemetry_TLS.searchvaluesearch the value of Telemetry_TLS
18property to get the telemetry URLtelemetry.url value of telemetry url "https://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/secure"
19property to get the log upload file name logupload.filename

value of Logupload filename

example : "1077B1A43D6D_Logs_04-22-21-11-39PM.tgz"

20property to get the log upload urllogupload.urlvalue of Logupload url ""
21property to get the bluetooth tile reporting URLble.tile.reporting.url3DOT0-TC-RDKB-BLEADV-1001BLE Tile Reporting URL
22property to get Telemetry report url within double



value of Telemetry report url within double quotes
23property to set the payload for enabling meshdfsrfc.enable.meshdfs3DOT0-TC-RDKB-MESH-DFS-1001value of enable meshdfs feature payload via rfc given as json format
24property to set the payload for disabling meshdfsrfc.disable.meshdfs3DOT0-TC-RDKB-MESH-DFS-1001value of disable meshdfs feature payload via rfc given as json format
25property to set the value T2 report profile 1rbuscli.setvalue.t2reportprofile_13DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1027

Value of Telemetry 2.0 Report profile 1 using rbuscli command, value given as json format

Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfiles string <value>

26property to set the value of T2 msgpackrbuscli.setvalues.t2reportfiles.msgpack3DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1027Value of Telemetry 2.0 messagepack given as rbuscli command
Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfilesMsgPack string  <value>
27property to set the value of T2 msgpack 2rbuscli.setvalues.t2reportfiles.msgpack23DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1027Value of another Telemetry 2.0 messagepack given as rbuscli command
Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfilesMsgPack string  <value>
28property to set the value of T2 msgpack 3rbuscli.setvalues.t2reportfiles.msgpack33DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1027Value of another Telemetry 2.0 messagepack given as rbuscli command
Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfilesMsgPack string  <value>
29property to get the payload for Telemetry 2rfc.telemetry2_0_1.enable.payload3DOT0-TC-RDKB-T2-SYS-INIT-1001Value of Telemetry 2 enable payload in json format
30property to get the ip and url for log uploadip.loguploadurl3DOT0-TC-RDKB-T2-SYS-INIT-1001

Value of the ip and url for checking log upload within double quotes

Eg: "x.x.x.x <url>" 

31property to set the value of HTTP Telemetry 2 Profilerbuscli.setvalue.http.t2profile.13DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY2_RBUS-1001

Value of Telemetry 2.0 Report profile for http using rbuscli command, value given as json format

Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfiles string <value>

32property to set the value of RBUS Telemetry 2 Profilerbuscli.setvalue.rbus.t2profile.23DOT0-TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY2_RBUS-1001

Value of Telemetry 2.0 Report profile for rbus using rbuscli command, value given as json format

Eg: rbuscli setvalues Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfiles string <value>

33Property to get the device model 3DOT0-TC-RDKB-IDM-1001
34Property to get the device model namedevice.model3DOT0-TC-RDKB-IDM-1001
35Property to get the default partner iddefault.partnerIdTC-RDKB-SYNDICATION-WAN-SSH-1001
36Property to get the default partner iddefault.partnerIdTC-RDKB-WIFI-PWR-1006
37Property to get the specific partner idspecific.partner.idTC-RDKB-WIFI-PWR-1006
38Property to get the default partner iddefault.partnerIdTC-RDKB-NTP-1004
39Property to get the Serverntp.timeserverTC-RDKB-NTP-1004
40configure Secure SSR Log Upload URLsecure.ssr.urlTC-RDKB-RFC-MTLS-1001
41configure Non Secure SSR Log Upload
42configure Curl command for Secure SSR Log Upload
43configure Curl command for Non Secure SSR Log Upload
44Log Upload URL for MTLSmtls.log.uploadTC-RDKB-RFC-MTLS-1001