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By clicking this icon we can see the child Jobs name. After that click on this icon . Then CDRouter Execution logs will be available in the Jenkins icon. We can verify pass and failures of all the steps. 

MicroService Changes 

 Configuration Changes in Orchestration

1.User should make the following changes

     1.1 Setting Pagination Limit

 Pagination Limit: 

 user should be able to set the pagenation limit from master_config table. ( User should set CDROUTER_PAGINATION_LIMIT from MASTER_CONFIG table in )

1.2  Setting CD Routers url

user should set the urls for different CDRouters available in MASTER_CONFIG table. If more than one CDRouters are available also user has to set the urls according in the master_config table under CDROUTERS column.

Example : (CDROUTERS master config value:
[{"name":"CDRouter1","url":"http://123.456.789.012"},{"name":"CDRouter2","url":"http://987.654.321.012"}] )

1.3 Setting CDRouter base Url:

user should set the base CD router url in master-config table under CDROUTER_SERVICE_BASE_URL column.
Example: http://localhost:8080/api/cdrouter/service

2.Adding a new test type as CDROUTER

1. Navigate to the URL '' and select 'System Configuration' under the settings drop down as shown in the below image.


3. user should add 'CDROUTER' in the configuration value and click on save changes to save the new test_type.


3.Creating a New Job as AUTO_CDROUTER_TEST_JOB


3. User should add the following details under 'Enter Job Name' add AUTO_CDROUTER_TEST_JOB' and under select parent job add 'AUTO_QUICK_TEST_JOB' and click on save button.

Configuration Changes in MicroService

1.Java Version

This microservice needs JAVA 11 to run. User should use Java 11 to make this microservice up.

1.2 Automatics base url
         In CDrouter service  user should navigate to and update automatics.url with proper automatics url.

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