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  1. Use the command "mvn clean install" to build the .jar file of the CDRouter Service.
  2. . If not added, add it using  , 'CDROUTERS', 'CDROUTER_SERVICE_BASE_URL' and  'CDROUTER_PAGINATION_LIMIT' as the config names in master_config table.  please refere this page (Automatics CD Router CDRouter Integration) for more detailed information on how to add the values using UI and Database(MySQL) as well.

    CDROUTERSUrl of different CDRouters
    CDROUTER_PAGINATION_LIMITAdd the pagination value 
  3. In CDrouter service  user should navigate to and update automatics.url with proper automatics base url and save the changes.please refer this Automatics CD Router CDRouter Integration page for more information.
  4. Copy thecdrouterservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar of CDrouter Service to a folder in VM. Create a empty folder with the name as 'logs' outside the folder that contains the CDRouter service jar file using the command mkdir logs. Run the below command inside the folder that contains the CDRouter Service jar file to bring the CDrouter Service up in the server.

    nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true   -jar rackdataservicecdrouterservice-10.0.01-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log  2>2>&1   &
  5. A log file will be created in the logs folder with the name CDRouterService.log. We can check the real time logs of the CDRouter Service using this file.