Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Difference Between CcspWifiAgent and OneWiFi Apply settings


Code Block
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.Radio.2.X_CISCO_COM_ApplySetting bool true
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.Radio.1.X_CISCO_COM_ApplySetting bool true 



Code Block
#Any dmcli commands specific to SSID and AccessPoint execute the Below Access Point Related apply settings
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.ApplyAccessPointSettings bool true

#Any dmcli executions specific to Radio level use the below Radio apply settings command
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.ApplyRadioSettings bool true

Debugging tips:


Below are the list of logs present in /rdklogs/logs for Debugging OneWiFi Issues.

For Additional in-depth Debugging one should enable below commands ,

        • touch /nvram/wifiMgrDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiDbDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiWebConfigDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiHalDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiCtrlDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiMonDbg
        • touch /nvram/wifiDMCLI
        • touch /nvram/wifiLib
        • touch /nvram/wifiLibhostapDbg

check for the respective logs in /tmp,

        • tail -f wifiCtrl &
        • tail -f wifiHal &
        • tail -f wifiMgr &
        • tail -f wifiDMCLI &
        • tail -f wifiDb &

        • tail -f wifiWebConfig &
        • tail -f wifilibhostap &

Wi-Fi 7 segment:

                              Initial Headers:
