- Navigate to Automatics Menu -> Test Manager-> Review Dashboard.
- Here everyone will be able to see the reviews with all the testcase details, developer, assigned reviewer, and review status.
- To review a test case, choose the test case and click on Actions -> Review.
- User can review the testcase details by using the Review option. It will redirect the user to the testcase in Build Test Case. Their user can review the testcase and can add comments about the development or any change needs to be done, etc.
- To change the status of the test case, choose the test case and click on Actions -> Change status.
- According to test case developer's point of view, they will be able to change the status to REWORK or ABANDONED.
- According to test case reviewer's point of view, they will have the authority to change the status to APPROVED, MERGED, REWORK or ABANDONED.
- You can also add notes to a review, to add a note choose the test case and click on Actions -> Add Notes
- The test case developers or the reviewer can add comments to the review by using the Add Notes option.
Configurations in Orchestration
Review-Management-Service Setup
Software Requirement
JDK 17 Setup Details
Follow Steps below to install Java 17 on CentOS/linux.
Install Java 17
yum install java-17-openjdk |
Verify Java is Installed
Building Review Management Service Source Code
- Clone Review Management Service source code from Review Management Service
- Open ReviewManagementService/src/main/resources/application.properties in source code and update the username, password and database name and save the changes.
- Build the source code using maven to generate the jar file
"mvn clean install"
- Copy the jar file to the VM where Review Management Service to be deployed.
- Create 2 directories review-management-service and logs in VM.
- Copy the jar file to review-management-service directory.
Run the below command from review-management-service directory to bring the Review Management Service up in the VM.
nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar ReviewManagementService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log 2>&1 & |
- reviewservice.log file will be created in the logs directory and we can check the real time logs of the Review Management using this file.