Versions Compared


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  • Virtual Machine (VM): A VM with root access.
  • Git: Installed on your VM.
  • Docker (Optional): Install using the following commands:
    Code Block
    curl -fsSL -o
    • Create a new user group named "docker" and add the Jenkins user to this group:
      Code Block
      sudo groupadd docker
      sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    • Log out and log back in to re-evaluate group membership. On a virtual machine, you may need to restart it. On Linux, you can also run:
      Code Block
      newgrp docker
    • Verify Docker commands can be run without sudo:
      Code Block
      docker run hello-world
    • Ensure access to pull Docker base images like Tomcat and MySQL from Docker Hub. If access is not available, ensure these images are available locally on the Jenkins VM.

Jenkins Server Setup

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the jenkinsServerSetup directory:

    Code Block
    git clone <repository_url>
    cd jenkinsServerSetup

  2. Execute the installation script as sudo:

    Code Block
    sudo sh

    This script installs Docker, pulls the Jenkins server image from Docker Hub, and installs necessary dependencies like Maven and Jenkins plugins. It also creates Automatics Core & RDKB Utils build jobs and build and deployment jobs.

  3. During script execution, provide inputs such as the port for the Jenkins server. After setup, access Jenkins via the browser using the public IP and port (e.g.,

  4. Configure Jenkins security:

    • Go to "Manage Jenkins" → "Security".
    • Under Security Realm, select Jenkins’ own user database.
    • In the Authorization section, select "Logged-in users can do anything".
    • Unselect "Allow anonymous read access".
    • Click "Save".
  5. Modify the necessary configurations in the pre-created Jenkins jobs (e.g., Maven repo URL, shell script file paths).


The below mandatory system configurations needs to be done in Automatics orchestration for running a first dummy Test execution and result verification from automatics. All the URLs and DB credentials used for the deployment can be found as a YAML file in "archived artifacts" of Automatics Deployment Job execution

System Config ParamDescription


Default syndication partner. Eg: Company name


Syndication partner names in comma separated format.  Eg: Company name1, Company name2


Base URL which is having the rest implementation of device management


Execution environment types in comma separated format. Supported values are RDKV, RDKB

AUTOMATICS_BASE_URLBase URL of Automatics Orchestration Application
MICROSERVICE_URLBase URL of Scriptless Service
JUNJenkins Admin User Name
JUPJenkins Admin User Password
