Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Launch system-config-services from a console and enable the zookeeper service from the services list.

WebPA components

Below is the list of components needed for a Xmidt (webPA 2.0) cluster setup. For a single node reference setup, few of the services are not mandatory hence not used.

ComponentTypeDescriptionUsed in current setup

Talaria maintains the secure websocket connections from the device and passes the messages from or to the device.


Scytale accepts the inbound requests, fans out across data centers and delivers the messages to the Talaria machines that could be hosting the device connection.


The Webpa micro-service that encode TR-181 requests.

petasosServerPetasos helps reduce the load on the Talaria machines during mass reboot cases by calculating which specific Talaria a device should connect to & redirecting the incoming request.No

Caduceus provides the pub-sub message delivery mechanism for xmidt.


Parodus is the light weight client that reaches out to the xmidt cloud to establish the connection.


Using the pre-built packages from GitHub

Code Block
a) Import the GPG Key (Required once, common for all the packages)
	$ rpm --import
b) Install the packages
	$ rpm -Uvh
	$ rpm -Uvh
	$ rpm -Uvh
Note: Change version number for downloading the required package.

Building from the Source

If pre-built packages are already installed as explained in previous section & we want to use the same, skip to configuration section

Build system dependency

Install golang

Required for compiling server components written in go language.

Code Block
$ sudo yum install golang
install glide

Glide is a package manager for Go that is conceptually similar to package managers for other languages. Glide provides the following functionality:


Code Block
$ wget -c
$ tar -xzf glide-v0.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/linux-amd64/" >> $HOME/.bash_profile

Downloading the source code

Code Block
1. create a directory in $HOME say webpa_modules
$ mkdir $HOME/webpa_modules && cd $HOME/webpa_modules

2. Checkout the components from GitHub repository.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Building the components

Code Block
1. Set the GOPATH & change to the source directory, e.g.
	$ export GOPATH=$HOME/webpa_modules/petasos/
	$ cd $HOME/webpa_modules/petasos/src/petasos

2. Resolve package dependencies using glide.
	$ glide install --strip-vendor

3. Build the component from source
	$ go build petasos

4. Create the package
	$ mkdir $HOME/rpmbuild
	$ ./ --no-sign

5. Install the locally built webPA component package
e.g. $ cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
     $ rpm -Uvh petasos-0.1.1-87.el6.x86_64.rpm


If the script terminates with "error: Bad owner/group: /root/webpa_modules/petasos/petasos.spec"
change the ownership to match current user name
$ chown root.root petasos.spec

Configuring the server components 
configuring the server components
configuring the server components


Generating a auto token

WebPA server components as well as requesting application has to use a autorization token for bearer authentication. We can either use a basic authorization token or make use of a key server for obtaining a bearer token.


Code Block
1. Using openssl command to generate the base64 encoded token.
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# openssl enc -base64 <<< "webpa@1234567890"
2. Using Linux coreutils tools to generate the base64 encoded token
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# echo "webpa@1234567890"|base64

Talaria configuration

Edit the configuration file & modify port number for running talaria service in a different port (default value is 8080).

Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/talaria/talaria.json]
        "port": 8080,
        "hcport": 8888,
        "pprofport": 9999,
        "discoveryClient": {
                "staticNodes": ["https://localhost:8585" ]

        "log" : {
                "file"      : "talariaLog.log",
                "level"     : "DEBUG",
                "maxSize"   : 5242880,
                "maxBackup" : 3

Scytale configuration

Edit the configuration file under /etc/scytale and modify following values


Code Block
titleSample configuration [/etc/scytale/scytale.json]
	"fqdn": "",
	"server": "",

	"primary": {
		"address": ":6000"

	"health": {
		"address": ":6001"

	"pprof": {
		"address": ":6002"

	"fanout": {
		"method": "POST",
		"endpoints": [""],
		"authorization": "QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l"
	"log" : {
		"file"      : "stdout",
		"level"     : "DEBUG",
		"json": true

	"aws": {
		"accessKey": "fake",
		"secretKey": "fake",
		"env": "fake",
		"sns": {
	                  "region": "us-east-1",
	                  "topicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake",
	                  "urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"
	"authHeader": "d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA=="

tr1d1um configuration

Edit the configuration file from /etc/tr1d1um to set following parameters
