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Use system-config-services from Centos menu or console for enabling the talaria, scytale & tr1d1um services at system boot-up.

WebPA Client Setup

Parodus is the client-end service running on the RDK-V CPE devices which establishes a connection with webPA service on device boot-up and delivers request-response between the webPA server & CPE device services. Parodus provides following functionalities in a CPE device.


Nanomsg Server: Parodus acts as Nanomsg server to distribute messages upstream and downstream.

Configuring Parodus

Edit parodus startup script for enabling the CPE device to use local webPA server


Code Block
# systemctl restart parodus



& log files

Log files

server logs

  • WebPA server logs are distributed among following locations.
    • /var/log/<webpa-service>/ : keeps debug log files.
        • supervisord.log : Log messages related to service boot-up & initialization
        • console.out       : console logs (debug message will appear here if "file": "stdout" is configured in <webpa-service>.json file
    • /var/run/<webpa-service>/ : keeps service specific debug messages
      • <service-name>Log.log : component specific debug messages will appear here if "file" : "fileName.log" is configured in <webpa-service>.json file


Parodus service log file is located as /opt/logs/parodus.log, provides debug information such as connection details, service initialization, which protocols are enabled/disabled etc.

Common Errors

Service fails to start

When we see an error similar to the below, it is related to zookeeper service failed to load or not running currently. restarting zookeeper & subsequent restart of other services solves the issue.

Code Block
$ cat talariaLog.log
ts=2018-01-16T13:14:55.143587713Z caller=talaria.go:133 level=error msg="Unable to obtain service discovery instancer" error="zk: could not connect to a server"

Use cases

Downstream request

[External Application --> CPE Device] (e.g. Query from a dashboard application to request for how long has a specific router been up):

      1. External service request goes to tr1d1um service
      2. tr1d1um forwards the request to Scytale API server cluster
      3. Scytale sends request to talaria server cluster
      4. Talaria then sends request to appropriate WebPA device

Upstream request

[CPE Device --> external service] (e.g. WebPA client notifications to external services, for instance, at boot time):

      1. Request is sent through the same web socket connection that is established to Talaria
      2. Talaria sends request upstream to Scytale
      3. Scytale sends request to external service.

Testing the connection

Using Postman GUI application


Using console command

AUTH_TOKEN       : Basic base64 encoded auth token or SAT (if enabled).


Code Block
$curl -H ''Authorization:Basic <AUTH_TOKEN>' -i http://<WEBPA-URL>/api/v2/device/mac:<DEVICE_MAC>/config?names=<PARAMETER>
$curl -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==' -i

Common TR181 parameters
