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1. Flash the BB image in SD card
2. Use Gparted to get the ext3 partitions extended to 2GB
3. Right Click on un-allocated -> New -> type 2GB in the field "New size"
4. Right click on un-allocated partition -> New -> add [Remaining all size]
5. Apply all operations -> Apply
6. Video image should be present in the host machine
7. sudo sh <video-image file>

Code Block
mkdir -p extblock

fdisk -u -l $1 > extblock/sector.txt

linux_sector=`tail -2 extblock/sector.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d'*' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n1`

rootfs_sector=`tail -2 extblock/sector.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d'*' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2 | tail -1`

mkdir -p extblock/linux_data
mkdir -p extblock/rootfs_data

mkdir -p extblock/vlinux_backup_data
mkdir -p extblock/vrootfs_backup_data

#sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 extblock/bank0_linux

# Loop mount + Extract kernel and bootload data of Downloaded image to storage area

sudo mount -o loop,offset=$linux_offset $1 extblock/linux_data
cp -R extblock/linux_data/* extblock/vlinux_backup_data/
sudo umount extblock/linux_data
rm -rf extblock/linux_data

# Loop mount + Extract rootfs data of Downloaded image to storage area

sudo mount -o loop,offset=$rootfs_offset $1 extblock/rootfs_data

cp -R extblock/rootfs_data/* extblock/vrootfs_backup_data
sudo umount extblock/rootfs_data
rm -rf extblock/rootfs_data

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
For ex. sudo sh rdk-generic-hybrid-refapp-thunder-image_default_20190924125426.rootfs.rpi-sdimg

8. Verify that inside extblock have these two files vlinux_backup_data and vrootfs_backup_data should be present.
9. Create mount directory and execute mount  for the partition 4 

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
For ex. 
mkdir videomnt
sudo mount /dev/sdb4 videomnt

In above command, storage partition 4 will get mounted to videomnt directory

10. Copy the directories into extended storage partition (For sudo cp -r /extblock/v* videomnt/)

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
sudo cp -r /extblock/v* videomnt/

11. Copy the vrootfs backup data into ext4 (sudo cp -r vrootfs_backup_data/* /media/amrita/884ff16f-00b3-4b8e-b634-8dfc93e9bdb8) to ensure partittion 4 will acts as video bank

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
sudo cp -r /extblock/vrootfs_backup_data/* videomnt/

12. Copy the bank_broadband_image.switch file to partition 4 as below

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
sudo cp bank_broadband_image.switch videomnt/lib/rdk/

13. Unmount videomnt directory as below

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titlevideo data extract
sudo umount videomnt

14. Now copy broadband multi boot change scripts to broadband image as below

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
#For ex. 
mkdir bbmnt
sudo mount /dev/sdb4 bbmnt

#In above command, storage partition 2 will get mounted to bbmnt directory

# Now copy the broad band change scripts from host to broadband image rootfs in partition2 (/dev/sdb2) mounted to bbmnt as below
sudo cp bbmnt/lib/rdk/

# Now unmount the bbmnt

sudo umount bbmnt

12. Now Boot up the SD card in RPI-> it should come up with BB image

13. ssh root@<RPI-Board IP>

14. To load the video image which is present in the storage execute the script

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/lib/rdk# sh

15. It should boot up with video image

16. Now this image can be switch back to broadband image by executing following script

Code Block
titlevideo data extract
sh /lib/rdk/