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For setting up this server the below applications or tools should be available in the server machine:

  1. JDK – 1.817
  2. TOMCAT – v8v9.50.xx
  3. MAVEN – v3.8 or above
  4. Device Manager 

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The below software should be installed and available for running Device Manager UI server.


Check whether My SQL DB is already installed and up and running.  For installation of MySQL in the below OS refer the below links

  • Linux:

Following page provide details on setting up MySQL 5.6 on linux .

Automatics Orchestration Setup#MySql5.6

Jdk – 1.8

JDK should be available in the build machine where the .war file for Device Manager server is build and it should be available in the server machine.

  • Linux:

Following page provides details on installing Java 1.8 on linux.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#JDK1.8

Tomcat – v8.5 or above

Tomcast 8.5 is required to deploy Device Manager UI server. Tomcat server installation file and setup documents can be found in the below links:

If you already have an existing setup of Automatics you can follow the steps in this page for upgrading the software's Automatics Technology Stack - Upgrade 

Software Requirement

  • JDK 17

Please note that even though the recommended version of Orchestration is JDK17, it is reverse compatible with JDK11 also. So code also be compiled with JDK11. Follow Steps below to install Java 17 on CentOS/linux.

    • Update before installing any new program
Code Block
sudo yum -y update
    • Install Java 17
Code Block
sudo yum install java-17-openjdk
    • Verify Java is Installed
Code Block
java -version

Sample output:

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  • MariaDB 10.11

Follow below steps to install and configure MariaDB on CentOS/linux

    • All the packages need to be up-to-date. Use the following command to update your packages.

      Code Block
      sudo yum update

      Create a new repo file for the latest version.

      Code Block
      vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

      Copy and paste the following contents into the /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo file.

      Code Block
      name = MariaDB
      baseurl =

      To exit and save the Vim file, type :wq and press Enter.

    • Install the Latest Version of MariaDB

Install 10.11 of MariaDB and the most common packages, using the command below.

Code Block
sudo yum install MariaDB-server galera-4 MariaDB-client MariaDB-shared MariaDB-backup MariaDB-common
    • Start MariaDB

      Start the MariaDB service with this command.

      Code Block
      sudo systemctl start mariadb

      To set MariaDB to start automatically when the VM boots up, use the following command.

      Code Block
      sudo systemctl enable mariadb

      Check the current status of MariaDB using this command.

      Code Block
      sudo systemctl status mariadb

      Check the currently installed MariaDB version with this command.

      Code Block
      sudo mysql -u root -p -V
  • Tomcat 9.0.XX

  • Download:
  • Setup:

Follow below Steps to setup Tomcat server  on CentOs/linux.

             $ wget <Apache Tomcat 8 archive file link>


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  • After competed download extract archive file in /tmp directory and move to the proper location as per your need.



Code Block
wget -c
    • Extract the Tomcat archive to the directory in which you want to deploy the Automatics Tools
      Code Block
      sudo tar -xvf apache-tomcat-9.0.85.tar.gz -C /opt/automatics/
    • Navigate to the tomcat file path and run ./bin/ cmd to start the tomcat server.

Sample Output:


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Maven – 3

Maven is the tool used for building and managing Device Manager project. Please follow the below links to download and install Maven:

Following page will provide the detailed steps to setup maven.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#Maven3

Device Manager Back End Server

Device Manager Server is used REST API based tool to manage different device details , add device details, & edit device details, add device groups etc. Device Manager UI is an application for visualizing and perform actions on different functionalities of device manager backend server.

Please refer below link to bring up know more about device manager setup and deployment.

Device Manager Deployment Document

Environment Setup

Following are the steps to be followed to setup Device Manager UI and its dependent software's in a Machine:

Build Device Manager UI .war file


To do this follow the below steps:


  • project, and add


  • DeviceManager URL in\src\main\


  • resources).


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  • Now navigate to the project Home folder and run the command “mvn clean install”.
  • This will build DeviceManagerUI.war file of device-manager-ui in the folder “project_home/target”.

Deploy Device Manager UI application

Device Manager application should be deployed in Tomcat server (ver 8.5 or above). Follow the below steps to deploy the application.

  1. Copy DeviceManagerUI.war file from “project_home/target” to “TOMCAT_HOME/webapps” folder.


  1. If you need to run the application tomcat server in a port other than localhost: 8080 host, please follow the below steps to update in filechange the same.
    • Navigate to resource folder in device manager project(device-manager\src\main\resource) folder.
    • Open and update{protocol}:{host:port} value with selected port of your choice.
  2. Now navigate to the project Home folder and run the command “mvn clean install”.
  3. This will build device-manager-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war file of device-manager server in the folder “project_home/target”.
    • the folder “TOMCAT_HOME/conf”.
    • Open server.xml and change the connector port in this file from 8080 to an available port of your choice. If another tomcat is running the same machine then change the DEFAULT Tomcat server SHUTDOWN port from 8005 to another available port. If you dont need to a SHUTDOWN port for tomcat then change the default port from 8005 to “-1”.
  4. To start Device Manager application go to “TOMCAT_HOME/bin” folder and run sh or startup.bat (if its running on Microsoft windows) script.
  5. To verify server logs check “TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out” file.
  • To launch Device Manager application go to the URL : “{protocol}://{host:port}/DeviceManagerUI/login.html“

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  • For the first time, login with username as "admin" without password.
  • on success login user will be navigated to manage devices pages.

Following page will provide more information on device manager ui

Device Manager UI User Manual