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    • Update Email and username details. 
    • Click om on update to update user changes.
  • Delete User
    • Select the User , you want to delete and click on Remove the User symbol in the Action section of respected user.

Power Manager

Power Manager Details need to be configured before mapping the device.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  > Power Manager 

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User can Add/Delete/Update the power manager details

  • Click on Add New Power Manager

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    • Enter Preferred Power Manager Name: “PSU-4”
    • Enter Power Manager Url
    • Enter Outlet Count 
    • Enter Outlet Start Index
    • Select Supported Operations 
    • Click on Next 
    • Provide the list of slot numbers mapped to group names as configured in the power manager.

GroupName - GroupName defined in PDU device should be provided.

SlotNumber - Select list of Slot numbers that are mapped to provided group name as configured in PDU devices.

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    • Click on Save Button to add power manager details.
    • Success Popup will be shown once power manager is added is successfully.
  • Edit Power Manager 
    • Select the Power Manager  , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Manager symbol in the Action section of respected power manager.

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    • Update power manager name , power manager url , Supported Operations and group device details
    • Click on Update to update power manager changes.
  • Delete Power manager
    • Select the Power manager , you want to delete and click on Remove the Power Manger  symbol in the Action section of respected power manager.

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Power Device Mapping

Configured Power manager details can be mapped to the configured device in Device manager application.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  TaB

User can Add/Delete/Update the power Device mapped details.

  • Add New Device Mapping
    • Click on Add New Power Devices

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    • Select Power manager 
    • Select Device Mac Address from the dropdown
    • Select the group name 
    • Select the slot number to which the device is connected
    • Click on Save
    • Success Popup will be shown once device mapping is done  successfully.
  • Edit Device Mapped details
    • Select the power manager name to get the list out the device mapping available and click on fetch/refresh button.

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    • Select the device mapping , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Device symbol in the Action section of respected mapped devices.

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    • Update device mapping details
    • Click on Update 
  • Delete Device Mapping
    • Select the Device Mapping , you want to delete and click on Remove the Device Mapping  symbol in the Action section of respected Device Mapping.

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Power Operations

Power Operations Details need to be configured to trigger power operation through scripts.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  > Power Operations

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User can Add/Delete/Update the power operation details

  • Click on Add New Power Manager

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    • Select Power Manager Name
    • Select Power Operation
    • Select Request type
    • Enter url template to trigger power operation at PDU device
    • Enter Requested Body template
    • Enter Response body template
    • Enter Response Code
    • Click on Next 
    • User has an option to configure additional data in extra properties for defined  power operation.


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    • Click on Save Button to add power operation details.
    • Success Popup will be shown once power manager is added is successfully.
  • Edit Power Manager 
    • Select the Power Manager  , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Operation symbol in the Action section of respected power operation.

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    • Update Power Operation details
    • Click on Update to update power operation changes.
  • Delete Power Operation
    • Select the Power Operation , you want to delete and click on Remove the Power Operation  symbol in the Action section of respected power Operation.

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Configuration required to support health check in devices are listed out in the Configuration tab. These parameters need to be updated to trigger the health check on devices

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Update Health Check Parameters Configuration

  • Follow below Steps to update Config params
    • Navigate to Configuration Tab
    • Click on the edit symbol of the desired config value to be updated 

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    • Provide the data that need to be added in the pop up and click on update to save the details

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Health Check

    • Device Manager has a support for health check feature.
    • It empowers the testers and other users to do health check on the devices before executing any test cases.
    • User can easily get the list of devices which are in good state and bring up the devices manually which are in bad state before triggering test cases.
    • It reduces the tester time for verifying and getting the devices which are in good state.

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Schedule New Health Check

Tester or user can schedule the health check for the list device daily or weekly or once based on the requirement.

Follow below steps to Schedule the devices for health check

      • Update Health Check Configuration - This step is required only when partner is going to schedule health check for the first time. Below list of config parameters need to configured before scheduling the health check on priority. Please refer UpdateHealthCheckParametersConfiguration
        • JENKINS_URL - Jenkins Url where health check job is defined this param value is used in the device manager while triggering the health check job.
        • USERNAME - Jenkins user name.
        • PASSWORD - Jenkins password.
        • APPENDERS - User can update there custom appenders to the already available list This param is getting used in providing options to the user to filter the execution results on the dashboard.
      • Click on add new schedule details button available on the right top of the UI page.

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      • New Scheduler pop up will be show as below .Provide mentioned details and click on submit button to schedule the execution

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        • Execution Name -  Provide the user execution name 
        • Appender - user can select the appenders from the provided options to filter the results on dashboard.
        • Execution Date and Time (EST) - Select the EST time range within which the executions should be happening.
        • Occurrence - User need to select the the number of times executions need to be repeated from the mentioned options
          • Once - Need to execute only once
          • Daily - Need to execute daily within the date range selected
          • Weekly - Need to execute the executions on selected date range
        • Job Name - User need to provide the JOB Name defined in the jenkins for health check executions[Refer Health Check Job Creation for more details on how to create jenkins jobs for health check]
        • Schedule type - Need to be selected as health check.
        • Select the devices to be added for the Scheduled that are restricted to 20 count for each schedule.
      • On successful creation user should be able to see a successful pop up message and the dashboard is updated with the scheduled details

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Add devices to the scheduled executions

If user or tester need to add the devices once the scheduling is done Please refer below steps to add the devices to already scheduled executions.

      • Click on the executions which in scheduled state to which the devices need to be added.

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      • Click on add devices options select the devices need to be added to the executions Will be provided options i.e
        • "Add to Current Event " – Click on this option  if devices need to be added only for that executions
        • "Add to Event Series" – Click on this option if devices need to the added for the series of executions scheduled this option is seen only if the scheduled executions are set to DAILY or WEEKLY

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      • On successful addition device list will be updated and successful pop up message will be seen

Delete device from the scheduled executions

      • Click on the executions seen on the dashboard which are in scheduled state.

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      • select devices option 

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      • will be able to see the list of devices added will be shown

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      • Click on Delete  button for the device that need to be removed from the scheduled execution

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      • Confirmation pop up will be shown to delete the device from the Current execution alone or from the all the execution series 

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      • On successful deletion success pop up will be seen and device list will be updated.

Show list of devices added for scheduling

User can see the list of devices added for scheduled executions Refer below steps.

      • Click on the executions seen on the dashboard.

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      • select devices option will be able to see the list of devices added as shown below.

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Clone Schedule

User needs to schedule the execution on different time range with the features of an already scheduled execution then user can refer below to create a clone of already defined scheduled execution with different execution date and time range.

      • Click on executions in scheduled state on the dashboard user need to clone.

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      • Click on "Clone Schedule" option

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      • Pop up will be shown with the execution name and date range params need to be updated as required by the user and Click on submit to schedule the executions.

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      • On successful cloning the user will be able to see the Success pop up message and Executions are scheduled for the provided details on dashboard.

Execution Details

      • Click on executions which are in complete state

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      • Execution summary is shown with once on clicking on the completed executions as shown below.

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        • Name - Execution name defined by user
        • Execution Starts - Date and time details when executions are going to be started.
        • Total Devices -  Total number of devices assigned for executions.
        • Passed Devices - Number of devices cleared health check steps and are in good state
        • Failed Devices - Number of devices failed to clear health check validation and are in bad state.
        • Non Device Issues - Number of devices where health check got failed because of other dependencies.
        • Device Already in Use - Number of devices which already in use while executing health check.
        • Percentage Completion - Provide the completion percentage calculated based on number of devices health check completed.

Detailed results can be observed by clicking on devices options as shown below

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        • Remarks - Section Provide the details on health check step for each devices with the results updated.

Cancel Event 

User can delete the scheduled executions before execution starts Follow below steps to delete event.

        • Click on executions in scheduled state on the dashboard user need to clone.

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        • Click on "Cancel Event" option will delete the current execution alone.

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Cancel Event Series

User can delete the scheduled executions for Daily or Weekly before execution starts Follow below steps to delete event series.This option is only valid for Scheduled execution done for daily or weekly.

        • Click on executions in scheduled state on the dashboard user need to clone.

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        • Click on "Cancel Event Series" option will delete the current execution and upcoming executions also.

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