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Briefly describe in general terms the system/application and the purpose for which it is intended, written in non-technical terminology. Consider including a high-level architecture diagram for the system. The description should include, but is not limited to, the following:


  • Webpa is a combination of a server and client that provide a simple interface to access the TR-181 objects on an RDK device.
  • It is a secure web protocol messaging system for bi-directional communication.

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Environment Setup

  • Set-up Considerations


           On the WebPA Server and Client side ensure the following services.

1. Talaria: This service maintains the secure websocket connections from the device and passes the messages from or to the deviceTalaria Service connects with the client and retrieves the data according to the user request.

2. Scytale:This accepts the inbound requests and delivers the messages to the Talaria machines that could be hosting the device connection This service acts as a communication bridge between Talaria and Tr1d1um which is highly helpful in transmitting the data.

3. Tr1d1um: The Webpa micro-service that encode TR-181 requestsThis receives the requests from the external resources, encryts it and send it Scytale.

On client-side

4. Parodus: Parodus is the light weight client that reaches out to the xmidt cloud to establish the connection from CPE devices.Optional

   Additional Services:

5. Petasos : Petasos helps reduce the load on the Talaria machines by calculating which specific Talaria a device should connect to & redirecting the incoming request.


2. Auth token: The auth token will be used when configuring different webPA components as well while performing GET/SET requests to the CPE from a 3rd party application.

3. Make ServerURL changes in the script file of client service, /lib/rdk/

4. Run the below commands for effective communication

     rm -rf /tmp/parodusCmd.cmd

     systemctl restart parodus

  • Accessing the System

Once the Turris-Omnia set-up is active with client services, communication between turris and WebPA server can be established.


The following are the major components/services involved in the fetching the data,

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  • Exiting the System

         The validation artifacts that are essential to ensure the functionality,

    • Authorization Key
    • WebPA Server details(IP, Port number)
    • CPE Device mac address

    • Data Parameters(Specific details that need to be retrieved)


The data from the client device can be fetched through the curl commands,

  • Curl command to retrieve the data(get parameter):

curl -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjp3ZWJwYQo=' -i ''





  • Curl command for the set operation:

curl -X PATCH -d '{"parameters": [{"dataType": 0,"name":"Device.Users.User.1.X_CISCO_COM_Password","value":"Testing123"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjp3ZWJwYQo='


Response message:



Console Output Screenshot:

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Generic Data Parameters: Get Only

i. Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer

ii. Device.DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI

iii. Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName

iv. Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber

v. Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion

vi. Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion

vii. Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime

viii. Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.Total

ix. Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.Free

x. Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.CPUUsage

xi. Device.Hosts.X_CISCO_COM_ConnectedDeviceNumber

Set/Get Parameters:

i. Device.WiFi.Radio.10000.Channel

ii. Device.Users.User.3.X_CISCO_COM_Password


Validated only the above get and set parameters mentioned.



Attaches the screenshot for the reference:



  • Error Messages

<Identify Following are the error messages message that a user may receive and the likely cause(s) and/or possible corrective actions for the error>

  • Special Considerations

<If applicable, describe any special circumstances, actions, exceptions, etc., that should be considered for troubleshooting.>


user may taken into considerations:

1. "message":"Invalid parameter value"}],"statusCode":520

For Invalid parameter value, check for correct parameter name and the unwanted space in the command

2. "message":"Error unsupported namespace","statusCode":520

For Unsupported namespace, check for the respective services that are essential to fetch tha data. For example, WiFi related information can be accessed only if ccspwifiagent service is active.

3. "message":Service Unavailable", "statusCode":531

For this error, ensure the network connection and the server and client-side services are up.

In client device, ex: RPI, check parodus is running actively, also ensure below points

      • missing in device
      • after adding br0 its working

  • Special Considerations

Since different services are involved in the communication, port-number specification should be taken into account

       1. In Client-side, along with ServerURL Port number of Talaria should be specified.

       2. From user-end, while requesting for information Tr1d1um's Port number should be given. 












<Contact Name>






