Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



Virtual keyboard screen to connect to WiFi

USB Access Features

Steps to enable  USB on box 

  • Connect USB/external HDD to box/device
  • Launching controller UI 
    • $ <BOXIP>:9998 
    • Enable UsbAccess Plugin 
  • Login to box using below command:
  • Mount usb on box with 'mount' command on box
    • $ mount
  • Create soft  link using below command:
    • $ ln -sf /usb /opt/www/usbdrive


  1. while creating Soft link use the path where the USB content are mounted for example in above case usb contents are mounted in /usb path
  2. USB access plugin should be enabled from controller UI

Key Navigation:


  • Audio file(.mp3)
  • Video file(.mp4)
  • Images (.JPG and .PNG)


  • USB tab list will be available on settings screen
  • On selection of USB tab on settings screen, an enable/disable button will be shown
  • Enable/Disable button will be available on settings screen
            ◦ Enable/disable button added to control retrieve of USB data once USB connected to Box, so enable only if  USB/HDD connected to the box
  • Folders for video, audio, image along with title will be displayed on settings screen
  • You will be able to navigate to USB tab, enable/disable button, video, audio, image folders
  • You will be able to launch video, audio, image screen and navigate to the available tiles
  • File formats supported to display on screens:
            ◦ Audio file (supports: .mp3, .MP3, .mpeg, .MPEG)
            ◦ Video file (supports: .mp4, .MP4, .mov, .MOV, .avi, .AVI, .m3u8, .M3U8, .mpeg2, .MPEG2)
            ◦ Images (supports:  .png, .PNG, .jpg, .JPG, .jpeg, .JPEG)
  • You will be able to view usb contents on corresponding screens
  • You will be able to play usb video content
  • You will not be able to play audio content because audio playback is not working with aamp and uve-js. (Note: audio playback functionality not implemented)
  • You will be able to see image preview in full screen, and right arrow key will be displayed
  • On key right next image will be displayed, right arrow key will be hidden if no preview image available and left arrow key will be displayed
  • On key left previous image will be displayed, left arrow key will be hidden if no preview image available
  • For audio and video custom tiles will be shown on corresponding screens horizontally along with there name
  • Actual images will be shown on image screen which are available in USB
  • Preview will be shown for focused item below in all the screens
  • On selecting Video items , Video will be played in Full Screen, once playback stops user has to come back to video screen and play next video
  • Audio playback is not yet implemented, so playback will not work
  • On Video/Audio/Images screen, in top panel back button and IP address will be displayed
  • On Navigating Back button and enter, will land in setting screen and Focus will be on USB folders

Steps to enable  USB on box 

  • Connect USB/external HDD to box/device
  • Launching controller UI 
    • $ <BOXIP>:9998 
    • Enable UsbAccess Plugin 
  • Login to box using below command:
  • Mount usb on box with 'mount' command on box
    • $ mount
  • Create soft  link using below command:
    • $ ln -sf /usb /opt/www/usbdrive


  1. while creating Soft link use the path where the USB content are mounted for example in above case usb contents are mounted in /usb path
  2. USB access plugin should be enabled from controller UI


On enable USB

USB Video Screen


  • Method: $ curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"org.rdk.UsbAccess.1.getFileList","params":{"path":"www"}}'
  • Response: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"result":{"contents":[{"name":"var","t":"f"},{"name":"..","t":"d"},{"name":"pages","t":"d"},{"name":"logs","t":"f"},{"name":".","t":"d"}],"success":true}}

Key Handling


To move the focus to app list/metro apps/tv-shows/settings from Home UI screen

To navigate to USB folders on settings screen

To navigate to Bluetooth tab on settings screen

To navigate to wifi tab on settings screen


To select the UI from the UI Switch screen

To launch apps from the app list

To launch player from tv-shows

To launch the settings screen from the home ui screen

To enable/disable Bluetooth scanning in settings screen

To enable/disable wifi scanning in settings screen

To pause player from Player controls

To connect/disconnect/pair/unpair a Bluetooth device from the settings screen

To connect/disconnect a WiFi network in settings screen


To navigate within Home UI

To navigate through available Bluetooth devices on the settings screen

To navigate through available wifi networks in settings screen

To navigate to USB contents 


To exit from launched apps (ex: cobalt, cnn, vimeo)

To exit from player launched 


Remote power key and keyboard F1 key used for STANDBY and POWER_ON


  • :true}}

Key Handling

S keyTo display UI Switch screen from the splash screen
Enter/Right/left/up/down keys

To move the focus to app list/metro apps/tv-shows/settings from Home UI screen

To navigate to USB folders on settings screen

To navigate to Bluetooth tab on settings screen

To navigate to wifi tab on settings screen

Enter key

To select the UI from the UI Switch screen

To launch apps from the app list

To launch player from tv-shows

To launch the settings screen from the home ui screen

To enable/disable Bluetooth scanning in settings screen

To enable/disable wifi scanning in settings screen

To pause player from Player controls

To connect/disconnect/pair/unpair a Bluetooth device from the settings screen

To connect/disconnect a WiFi network in settings screen

Left/Right/Up/Down arrow

To navigate within Home UI

To navigate through available Bluetooth devices on the settings screen

To navigate through available wifi networks in settings screen

To navigate to USB contents 

M/Home/1 key

To exit from launched apps (ex: cobalt, cnn, vimeo)

To exit from player launched 

Esc/M keyTo exit from password panel on WiFi screen
Down arrowTo display player controls menu from Player screen
key Code : 27 , 77, 49 , 36 ,158 To display Home Page
key Code : 112,142

Remote power key and keyboard F1 key used for STANDBY and POWER_ON

key Code : 228 , 116 To deep sleep
key Code : 175 174To audio increase  and decrease
key Code : 112,142, 116, F1To launch shutdown panel

Create distribution build

Prerequisites: Node.js , npm, Lightning-CLI should be available in PC

Step 1: Clone the RDKAPPS repo using the below command:

$ git clone ""

Step 2: Switch to version 2 branch (new ui)

$ git checkout version_2

Step 3: Goto Accelerator Home Ui directory

$ cd RDK_apps/accelerator-home-ui/

Step 4: Install npm dependencies

$ npm install

Step 5: Run below command to generate dist folder

$ lng dist

Step 6: Generated dist folder will have directory structure > dist/es6/<compiled files> 

Step 7: Copy <compiled files> into dist and remove es6 dir

Now dist folder is ready for the deployment.

Download Pre-build (dist)

Download compiled code (dist):

Procedure to Flash Distribution Build and Bring up New UI on Bootup

  • Connect your device with lan and get the box/device ip, make sure your dev pc and device is connected with the same network
  • login into box:
    • $ ssh root@<your box ip>
    • $ rm -rf lxresui
  • Extract downloaded pre-build lxresui (dist)  folder in your dev pc 
  • Copy lxresui folder from dev pc  to box/device:
  • configure file
  • reboot the box, on bootup new ui will be rendered on TV screen

Download pre-build (morty and dunfell) image's for RPI with Version 2 UI changes

Below per-build morty and dunfell image is available for RPI device created from sd card after flashing dist (compiled version of src code) just to avoid above steps: create distribution build, download pre-build and flash, it has latest version_2 ui changes and on bootup new ui will be rendered on TV screen. 

pre-build dunfell image:

pre-build morty image:

Flash image on SD card

Option 1:

  • Execute the below command to flash the image on the SD card

$ sudo dd if=<downloaded image path> of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

ex: sudo dd if=rdk-mc-rpi.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

Option 2:

  • Download and install Balena Etcher to write the Raspberry Pi SD card:
  • Flash it to the Raspberry Pi's SD card using Etcher

Note: Balena etcher is available for MAC OS, Windows and Linux.

Image Added

Create distribution build

Prerequisites: Node.js , npm, Lightning-CLI should be available in PC

Step 1: Clone the RDKAPPS repo using the below command:

$ git clone ""

Step 2: Switch to version 2 branch (new ui)

$ git checkout version_2

Step 3: Goto Accelerator Home Ui directory

$ cd RDK_apps/accelerator-home-ui/

Step 4: Install npm dependencies

$ npm install

Step 5: Run below command to generate dist folder

$ lng dist

Step 6: Generated dist folder will have directory structure > dist/es6/<compiled files> 

Step 7: Copy <compiled files> into dist and remove es6 dir

Now dist folder is ready for the deployment.

Download Pre-build (dist)

Download compiled code (dist):

Procedure to Flash Distribution Build and Bring up New UI on Bootup

  • Connect your device with lan and get the box/device ip, make sure your dev pc and device is connected with the same network
  • login into box:
    • $ ssh root@<your box ip>
    • $ rm -rf lxresui
  • Extract downloaded pre-build lxresui (dist)  folder in your dev pc 
  • Copy lxresui folder from dev pc  to box/device:
  • configure file
  • reboot the box, on bootup new ui will be rendered on TV screen

New UI Demo Videos 

