Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


System Requirement

Operating systemCentos 7.6.8
Memory> 2048 MB
Disk space> 10 GB free space



Commands described in this page are executed with super user (root) permission

Software Dependencies

Supervisor (Not Required for CentOS 7.x releases)


Only Applicable for Older CentOS 6.x releases

About Supervisor

Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.


Code Block
a) Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
	$ wget
	$ rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
b) Install Python meld3
	$ yum install python-meld3
c) Install supervisor
	$ yum install supervisor

ZooKeeper (Not required in CentOS 7.x releases)


Only Applicable for Older CentOS 6.x releases

About ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper is a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications. It exposes common services - such as naming, configuration management, synchronization, and group services - in a simple interface so you don't have to write them from scratch. You can use it off-the-shelf to implement consensus, group management, leader election, and presence protocols. And you can build on it for your own, specific needs.


Launch system-config-services from a console and enable the zookeeper service from the services list.

Process flow diagram Diagram
Gliffy Diagram

WebPA Server components setup


Code Block
a) Import the GPG Key (Required once, common for all the packages)
	$ rpm --import
b) Install the packages
	$ rpmyum -Uvhinstall
	$ rpmyum -Uvhinstall
	$ rpmyum -Uvhinstall
Note: Change version number for downloading the required package.

Building from the Source

If prebuilt pre-built RPM packages are already installed as explained in previous section & we want to use the same, skip Skip to configuration section

Dependencies of Build system


Required for compiling server components written in go language. (Required version >=1.11

Code Block
Preferred Method:
$ sudo yum install golang
install glide

Glide is a package manager for Go that is conceptually similar to package managers for other languages. Glide provides the following functionality:

    • Records dependency information in a glide.yaml file. This includes a name, version or version range, version control information for private repo or when the type cannot be detected, and more.
    • Tracks the specific revision each package is locked to in a glide.lock file. This enables recursively fetching the dependency tree.
    • Utilizes vendor/ directories, known as the Vendor Experiment, so that different projects can have differing versions of the same dependencies.
Code Block
$ wget -c

For Manual Installation:
$ wget
$ tar -xzf glide-v0go1.1311.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/linux-amd64/" >> $HOME/.bash_profile

Downloading the source code

Code Block
1. create a directory in $HOME say webpa_modules
$ mkdir $HOME/webpa_modules && cd $HOME/webpa_modules

2. Checkout the components from GitHub repository.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Building the components

Code Block
1. Set the GOPATH & change to the source directory, e.g.
	$ export GOPATH=$HOME/webpa_modules/petasos/
	$ cd $HOME/webpa_modules/petasos/src/petasos

2. Resolve package dependencies using glide.
	$ glide install --strip-vendor

3. Build the component from source
	$ go build petasos

4. Create the package
	$ mkdir $HOME/rpmbuild
	$ ./ --no-sign

5. Install the locally built webPA component package
e.g. $ cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
     $ rpm -Uvh petasos-0.1.1-87.el6.x86_64.rpm

If running complains about following:

error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body
error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body

Then, modify the following in script to change build number to appropriate value

    • to get the latest build number:
      $ git tag -l|sort -V|grep -v alpha (select the latest version from list)
      e.g. BUILD_NUMBER=87
sudo mv go /usr/local
** Add Below Lines to the profile file (.bash_profile etc.)
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

Verify the version with below:
$ go version
go version go1.11 linux/amd64
install glide

Glide is a package manager for Go that is conceptually similar to package managers for other languages. Glide provides the following functionality:

    • Records dependency information in a glide.yaml file. This includes a name, version or version range, version control information for private repo or when the type cannot be detected, and more.
    • Tracks the specific revision each package is locked to in a glide.lock file. This enables recursively fetching the dependency tree.
    • Utilizes vendor/ directories, known as the Vendor Experiment, so that different projects can have differing versions of the same dependencies.
Code Block
$ wget -c
$ tar -xzf glide-v0.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/linux-amd64/" >> $HOME/.bash_profile

Downloading the source code

Code Block
1. create a directory in $HOME say webpa_modules
$ mkdir $HOME/webpa_modules && cd $HOME/webpa_modules

2. Checkout the components from GitHub repository.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Building the components

Code Block
1. cd $HOME/webpa_modules/<component-name>
  e.g. cd webpa_modules/talaria
3. Build the component from source
	$ make build

4. Create the package
	$ mkdir $HOME/rpmbuild
	$ ./ --no-sign

5. Install the locally built webPA component package
e.g. $ cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
     $ rpm -Uvh petasos-0.1.1-87.el6.x86_64.rpm

If running complains about following:

error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body
error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body

Then, modify the following in script to change build number to appropriate value

    • to get the latest build number:
      $ git tag -l|sort -V|grep -v alpha (select the latest version from list)
      e.g. BUILD_NUMBER=87

If prompts for password, modify the rpmbuild command to disable the signing option

yes "" | rpmbuild -ba \

--define "_signature gpg" \

--define "_ver $release" \

--define "_releaseno ${BUILD_NUMBER}" \



If prompts for password, modify the rpmbuild command to disable the signing option

yes "" | rpmbuild -ba \

--define "_signature gpg" \

--define "_ver $release" \

--define "_releaseno ${BUILD_NUMBER}" \

--define "_fullver $new_release" \



We can use either of the below 2 methods to generate a basic authorization string. 


Code Block
1.Note: UsingFor openssl command to generatenewer releases the base64basic encodedauth token.
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# openssl  should be in username:password format.
1. Using openssl command to generate the base64 encoded token.
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# openssl enc -base64 <<< "user123:webpa@1234567890"
2. Using Linux coreutils tools to generate the base64 encoded token
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# echo "user123:webpa@1234567890"|base64

Talaria configuration

Edit the configuration file & modify port number for running values if you need to run talaria service in a different port (default value is 8080).

Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/talaria/talaria.jsonyaml]
#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP   "port": 8080,
        "hcport": 8888,
        "pprofport": 9999,
        "discoveryClient": {
                "staticNodes": ["https://localhost:8585" ]

        "log" : {
                "file"      : "talariaLog.log",
                "level"     : "DEBUG",
                "maxSize"   : 5242880,
                "maxBackup" : 3

Scytale configuration

Edit the configuration file under /etc/scytale and modify following values

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of the server
"server"          : Listening IP address (using "localhost" will allow connections only from the current machine.)

"endpoints"    : Under "fanout" section, change the IP / Port value to match to the one where Talaria service is listening.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section

"file"                : Under "log" section, change the value from "stdout" to a file name if we need to redirect debug messages to a separate log file.


Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Talaria-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
  fqdn: <Fully Qualified Domain Name / IP>
  server: ""
  env: test
  scheme: http

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
  build: "0.1.3-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  flavor: "mint"

    address: ":8080"
    address: ":8180"
    address: ":8280"
    address: ":8203"
    address: ":8380"
      namespace: "xmidt"
      subsystem: "talaria"

#   Service Discovery Configuration

  # service defines the parameters needed to interact with the consul cluster
  # for service discovery.  Presently only consul is supported.  This is
  # presently only used by Prometheus to discover machines to monitor, but
  # in the not-too-distant future talaria will use this interaction to load
  # balance across all caduceus machines instead of using DNS.
  # (Optional)
    # consul configures the consul library in caduceus to use the local
    # service discovery agent
      # client defines how to connect to the local consul agent (on the same
      # VM/container)
        # address is the address of the local consul agent
        address: ""
        # scheme is how the consul library should interact with the local
        # consul agent
        scheme: "http"
        # waitTime is TBD
        waitTime: "30s"

      # disableGenerateID is TBD
      disableGenerateID: true

      # registrations defines what services caduceus should register with
      # consul
      #     id      - the VM/container instance name registered with consul
      #     name    - the name of service being registered
      #     tags    - a list of tags to associate with this registration
      #     address - the mechanism to reach the service (generally unique fqdn)
      #     port    - the port to reach the service at
      #     checks  - the list of checks to perform to determine if the service
      #               is available/healthy
      #         checkID                        - TBD
      #         ttl                            - how long the check is valid for
      #         deregisterCriticalServiceAfter - the duration to wait before the
      #                                          service is removed due to check
      #                                          failures
          id: ""
          name: "talaria"
            - "prod"
            - "mint"
            - "stage=prod"
            - "flavor=mint"
          address: <WEBPA_SERVER_IP>
          port: 6001
              checkID: ""
              ttl: "30s"
              deregisterCriticalServiceAfter: "70s"

    file: "/var/log/talaria/talaria.log"
    level: "DEBUG"
    json: false

        handshakeTimeout: "10s"
      initialCapacity: 100000
      maxDevices: 100
      deviceMessageQueueSize: 100
      pingPeriod: "45s"
      idlePeriod: "135s"
      requestTimeout: "15s"
      method: "POST"
      requestTimeout: "125s"
      defaultScheme: "http"
        - "http"
        - "https"
      outboundQueueSize: 1000
      workerPoolSize: 100
        maxIdleConns: 0
        maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        idleConnTimeout: "120s"
      clientTimeout: "160s"
      authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


    defaultScheme: http

Scytale configuration

Edit the configuration file under /etc/scytale and modify following values

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of the server
"server"          : Listening IP address (using "localhost" will allow connections only from the current machine.)

"endpoints"    : Under "fanout" section, change the IP / Port value to match to the one where Talaria service is listening.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section

"file"                : Under "log" section, change the value from "stdout" to a file name if we need to redirect debug messages to a separate log file.

Add the "aws" section with following values for suppressing few error messages 


   "aws": {
          "accessKey": "fake",
           "secretKey": "fake",
           "env": "fake",
           "sns": {
               "region": "us-east-1",
               "topicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake",
               "urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"

This will set AWS & SNS parameters with fake ones since we don't use actual keys and SNS (amazon simple notification service) in the current setup.

Code Block
titleSample configuration [/etc/scytale/scytale.yaml]

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Scytale-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: ""

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.4-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

# WebPA Service configuration

# For a complete view of the service config structure,
# checkout

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary provides the configuration for the main server for this application
  address: ":7000"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  address: ":7001"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  address: ":7002"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  address: ":7082"
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "webpa"

    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "scytale"

  fanoutTimeout: "125s"
  clientTimeout: "45s"
      - "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device"
  authorization: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  file: "/var/log/scytale/scytale.log"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "DEBUG"

  # maxsize is the maximum log file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true
  accessKey: "fake-accessKey"
  secretKey: "fake-secretKey"
  env: "fake-env"
    awsEndpoint: http://goaws:4100
    region: "ap-east-1"
    topicArn: "arn:aws:sns:ap-east-1:999999999991:fake-env"
    urlPath: "/api/v2/aws/sns"
waitForDns: 0
authHeader: ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  duration: 1
  authHeader: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Tr1d1um configuration

Edit the configuration file from /etc/tr1d1um to set following parameters

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of server

"server"          : IP Address to which the service has to listen

"version"        : Current version of the service

"region"          : Region of deployment

"flavor"           : Development, Production etc.

"address"       : Under "primary" section, change the value to point to the port where tr1d1um service will listen for incoming requests.

"targetURL"   : Change to IP-Address:Port value where SCYTALE service is running.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section.

"aws"              : Add fake values as described previously.

Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.yaml]

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Tr1d1um-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: ""

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.2-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

# WebPA Service configuration

# For a complete view of the service config structure,
# checkout

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary provides the configuration for the main server for this application
  address: ":9003"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  address: ":9004"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  address: ":9005"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  address: ":9082"
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "webpa"

    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "tr1d1um"

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  file: "/var/log/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.log"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "DEBUG"

  # maxsize is the maximum log file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true

# Webhooks Related configuration

# webhooksEnabled indicates whether or not the webhooks server should be started
# It is disabled for local testing
webhooksEnabled: false

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  The webhooks library uses it
# to know which host to use to confirm this service is ready to receive events
# (Optional if not running webhooks)
fqdn: ""

# start contains configuration for the logic by which Tr1d1um can
# fetch the current WebPA webhooks without having to wait for SNS
# It does so by pinging the rest of the cluter at the specified apiPath
# More detaisl at
  # duration is the max amount of time allowed to wait for webhooks data to be retrieved
  duration: "20s"

  # path used to query the existing webhooks
  apiPath: http://localhost:6100/hooks

# Webhooks DNS readiness Configuration

# WaitForDns is the duration the webhooks library will wait for this server's DNS record to be
# propagated. This waiting logic is important so AWS SNS webhook confirmations are not missed
waitForDns: "30s"

#soa stands for Start of Authority and it's a type of record in a DNS
  # provider is the SOA provider used to verify DNS record readiness of this service
  provider: ""

# Webhooks AWS SNS Configuration

# aws provides the AWS SNS configurations the webhooks library needs
  #AWS access key
  accessKey: "fake-accessKey"

  #AWS secret key
  secretKey: "fake-secretKey"

  env: local-dev

    # awsEndpoint is the AWS endpoint
    # this must be left out in produ
    awsEndpoint: http://goaws:4100

    #region is the AWS SNS region
    region: "us-east-1"

    # topicArn describes the SNS topic this server needs to subscribe to
    topicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:xmidt-local-caduceus

    #urlPath is the URL path SNS will use to confirm a subscription with this server
    urlPath: "/api/v2/aws/sns"

# Testing Authorization Credentials

# authHeader is a list of Basic Auth credentials intended to be used for local testing purposes
# WARNING! Be sure to remove this from your production config
authHeader: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# WRP and XMiDT Cloud configurations

# targetURL is the base URL of the XMiDT cluster
targetURL: http://localhost:7000

# WRPSource is used as 'source' field for all outgoing WRP Messages
WRPSource: ""

# supportedServices is a list of endpoints we support for the WRP producing endpoints
# we will soon drop this configuration
  - "config"

# HTTP Transaction Configurations

# clientTimeout is the timeout for the HTTP clients used to contact the XMiDT cloud
clientTimeout: "135s"

# respWaitTimeout is the max time Tr1d1um will wait for responses from the XMiDT cloud
respWaitTimeout: "129s"

# netDialerTimeout is the timeout used for the net dialer used within HTTP clients
netDialerTimeout: "5s"

# requestRetryInterval is the time between HTTP request retries against XMiDT
requestRetryInterval: "2s"

# requestMaxRetries is the max number of times an HTTP request is retried against XMiDT in
# case of ephemeral errors
requestMaxRetries: 2

Enable the services at boot-up

CentOS 7 uses a systemd based boot-up mechanism. Hence below commands will enable the required services.

Code Block
$ sudo systemctl enable talaria
$ sudo systemctl enable scytale
$ sudo systemctl enable tr1d1um


   "aws": {
          "accessKey": "fake",
           "secretKey": "fake",
           "env": "fake",
           "sns": {
               "region": "us-east-1",
               "topicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake",
               "urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"

This will set AWS & SNS parameters with fake ones since we don't use actual keys and SNS (amazon simple notification service) in the current setup.

Code Block
titleSample configuration [/etc/scytale/scytale.json]
	"fqdn": "<replace-with-fqdn-or-ip>",
	"server": "",

	"primary": {
		"address": ":6000"

	"health": {
		"address": ":6001"

	"pprof": {
		"address": ":6002"

	"fanout": {
		"method": "POST",
		"endpoints": ["http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device/send"],
		"authorization": "QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l"
	"log" : {
		"file"      : "stdout",
		"level"     : "DEBUG",
		"json": true

	"aws": {
		"accessKey": "fake",
		"secretKey": "fake",
		"env": "fake",
		"sns": {
	                  "region": "us-east-1",
	                  "topicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake",
	                  "urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"
	"authHeader": "d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA=="

Tr1d1um configuration

Edit the configuration file from /etc/tr1d1um to set following parameters

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of server

"server"          : IP Address to which the service has to listen

"version"        : Current version of the service

"region"          : Region of deployment

"flavor"           : Development, Production etc.

"address"       : Under "primary" section, change the value to point to the port where tr1d1um service will listen for incoming requests.

"targetURL"   : Change to IP-Address:Port value where SCYTALE service is running.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section.

"aws"              : Add fake values as described previously.

Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.json]
	"fqdn": "<replace-with-fqdn-or-ip>",

	"server": "",
	"version": "0.1.1-228",
	"region": "india",
	"flavor": "lab", 
	"primary": {
		"address": ":9003"

	"health": {
		"address": ":6004",
		"logInterval": "60s",
		"options": [

	"pprof": {
		"address": ":6005"
	"metrics": {
		"address": ":8082"
	"log": {
		"file"      : "tr1d1um.log",
		"level"     : "DEBUG",
		"maxSize"   : 52428800,
		"maxBackup" : 10,
		"json"      : true

	"aws": {
		"accessKey": "fake-accessKey",
		"secretKey": "fake-secretKey",
		"env": "fake-env",
		"sns": {
			"region": "fake-region",
			"topicArn": "fake-sns-topic",
			"urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"

	"targetURL": "http://localhost:6000",
	"supportedServices": ["config"],
	"authHeader": "d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA=="

Enable the services at boot-up

Use system-config-services from Centos menu or console for enabling the talaria, scytale & tr1d1um services at system boot-up.


WebPA Client Setup

Parodus is the client-end service running on the RDK-V CPE devices which establishes a connection with webPA service on device boot-up and delivers request-response between the webPA server & CPE device services. Parodus provides following functionalities in a CPE device.


Code Block
vi /lib/rdk/
/bin/systemctl set-environment PARODUS_CMD=" --hw-mac=$HwMac --webpa-ping-time=$PingWaitTime --webpa-interface-used=$NwInterface --webpa-url=<WEBPA_SERVER_IP> --partner-id=comcast --webpa-backoff-max=9 --force-ipv4 --ssl-cert-path=$SSL_CERT_FILE"


Code Block
# systemctl restart parodus


Remove the jwt related parameters from PARODUS_CMD e.g. (-acquire-jwt,  --dns-txt-url, --jwt-public-key-file, --jwt-algo etc.)

RDK Broadband Devices

Edit parodus startup script for enabling the CPE device to use local webPA server


start the service after changes are done.

Code Block
#  rm –rf /tmp/parodusCmd.cmd
# systemctl restart parodus


Parodus service log file is located as /opt/logs/parodus.log, provides debug information such as connection details, service initialization, which protocols are enabled/disabled etc.

Common Errors

Service fails


to start (Specific to older CentOS 6.x releases)

When we see an error similar to the below, it is related to zookeeper service failed to load or not running currently. restarting zookeeper & subsequent restart of other services solves the issue.


  1. Launch Postman and create a GET request
    Compose the request by specifying webPA service IP, Device MAC & request parameter.

  2. Add an authorization token (This token should match with the one configured with webPA server-end components.
    Click on Authorization tab and select bearer token as Type

  3. Send the API request to webPA server & check the result
    Image Removed

Using console command

AUTH_TOKEN       : Basic base64 encoded auth token or SAT (if enabled).

WEBPA-URL          : URL of Tr1d1um service in IP:PORT format.

DEVICE_MAC        :  MAC address of the CPE device.

PARAMETER         : GET/SET Parameter that need to be requested.

  1. server & check the result
    Image Added

Using console command

AUTH_TOKEN       : Basic base64 encoded auth token or SAT (if enabled).

WEBPA-URL          : URL of Tr1d1um service in IP:PORT format.

DEVICE_MAC        :  MAC address of the CPE device.

PARAMETER         : GET/SET Parameter that need to be requested.

Code Block
titleGET Parameter
$ curl -H ''Authorization:Basic <AUTH_TOKEN>' -i http://<WEBPA-URL>/api/v2/device/mac:<DEVICE_MAC>/config?names=<PARAMETER>
$ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==' -i http://<WEBPA_SERVER_IP:PORT>/api/v2/device/mac:84e058575831/config?names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName
Code Block
titleSET Parameter
$ curl -X PATCH http://<IP>:9003
Code Block
$curl -H ''Authorization:Basic <AUTH_TOKEN>' -i http://<WEBPA-URL>/api/v2/device/mac:<DEVICE_MAC>/config?names=<PARAMETER>
$curl<MAC>/config -d '{"parameters": [ {"dataType": 0, "name": "<TR181_PARAM>", "value": "<Value-to-Set>"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==' -i<TOKEN>' e.g.
$ curl -X PATCH http://5435.155.166171.121.187:9003/api/v2/device/mac:84e058575831/config?names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNameb827eb5681cd/config -d '{"parameters": [ {"dataType": 0, "name": "Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID", "value": "Testing"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MAo='

List of connected Devices

Code Block
#$ curl -H "<AUTO<AUTH_TOKEN>" http://<IP>:8080/api/v2/devices
e.g. curl -H "Authorization: Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA=="<webpa_serverURL>:8080/api/v2/devices

Common TR181 parameters
