Smart Reviewer is a feature designed to streamline the creation of effective, scriptless test cases
Image Removed . It helps in reviewing each and every test step of the test case just like how code review is done.
- In Build Test Case, Developer will be able to create a testcase but will not be able to save the changes. They should be able to submit for review.
- After submitting review, testcase will be in UNDER_REVIEW state where no one can be able to make changes in that testcase.
- Once the review has been completed by the reviewer, testcase will be saved.
- If developer wants to do any changes in that testcase when the testcase is in UNDER_REVIEW state, then developer needs to change the status to REWORK.
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Under Review
- In this state, testcase will be locked.
- When the test case developer tries to edit the testcase, they will not be able to make any changes.
- At that point, developer must change the REVIEW STATUS from UNDER_REVIEW to REWORK. Then the testcase will be unlocked with the submitted changes. On top of that, developer can do their work.
- Reviewer will be able to Approve/Merge the testcase once the review has been submitted.
- When the developer is ready to submit review, they must provide JIRA ticket (for which they create/update a testcase) with a comment (for better understanding). Once the review has been submitted, the review details will be updated as comment in mentioned JIRA ticket.
- Navigate to Automatics Menu -> Test Manager-> Review Dashboard.
- Here everyone will be able to see the reviews with all the testcase details, developer, assigned reviewer, and review status.
- To review a test case, choose the test case and click on Actions -> Review.
- User can review the testcase details by using the Review option. It will redirect the user to the testcase in Build Test Case. Their user can review the testcase and can add comments about the development or any change needs to be done, etc.
- To change the status of the test case, choose the test case and click on Actions -> Change status.
- According to test case developer's point of view, they will be able to change the status to REWORK or ABANDONED.
- According to test case reviewer's point of view, they will have the authority to change the status to APPROVED, MERGED, REWORK or ABANDONED.
- You can also add notes to a review, to add a note choose the test case and click on Actions -> Add Notes
- The test case developers or the reviewer can add comments to the review by using the Add Notes option.
Configurations in Orchestration
Add Configs in System Configuration Page
- Launch Automatics Orchestration tool. From menu select Settings → System Configuration as shown in the image below.
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2. Click on 'Add configuration' shown on the top right corner of the System Configuration page and add the following configurations and click on save changes button.
Parameter Name | Description |
REVIEW_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_URL | Review Management Service Base URL |
REVIEW_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_DNS_URL | Provide the DNS (Domain Name System) base URL of the Review Management Service application. |
Admin.func.testcase.reviewers | This configuration contains the details of reviewers based on the execution environment. Enter the details in below format. [ { "env": "The execution environment name", "reviewers": [ "<Provide the user id>|<Provide the email id>" ] } ] eg: [{"env":"RDKB","reviewers":["henry|,emily|"]},{"env":"RDKV","reviewers":["sarah|,william|"]}] |
jira.url | Enter the base url of the Jira account |
jira.username | Enter the username of the Jira service account |
jira.password | Enter the password of the Jira service account |
Review-Management-Service Setup
Software Requirement
JDK 17 Setup Details
Follow Steps below to install Java 17 on CentOS/linux.
Install Java 17
yum install java-17-openjdk |
Verify Java is Installed
Building Review Management Service Source Code
- Clone Review Management Service source code from Review Management Service
- Open ReviewManagementService/src/main/resources/ in source code and update the username, password and database name and save the changes.
- Build the source code using maven to generate the jar file
"mvn clean install"
- Copy the jar file to the VM where Review Management Service to be deployed.
- Create 2 directories review-management-service and logs in VM.
- Copy the jar file to review-management-service directory.
Run the below command from review-management-service directory to bring the Review Management Service up in the VM.
nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar ReviewManagementService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log 2>&1 & |
- reviewservice.log file will be created in the logs directory and we can check the real time logs of the Review Management using this file.