Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Launch system-config-services from a console and enable the zookeeper service from the services list.

Process flow diagram Diagram
Gliffy Diagram

WebPA Server components setup


If pre-built RPM packages are already installed as explained in previous section & we want to use the same, Skip to configuration section

Dependencies of Build system


Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/talaria/talaria.yaml]
#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Talaria-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
  fqdn: <Fully Qualified Domain Name / IP>
  server: ""
  env: test
  scheme: http

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
  build: "0.1.3-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  flavor: "mint"

    address: ":8080"
    address: ":8180"
    address: ":8280"
    address: ":8203"
    address: ":8380"
      namespace: "xmidt"
      subsystem: "talaria"

#   Service Discovery Configuration

  # service defines the parameters needed to interact with the consul cluster
  # for service discovery.  Presently only consul is supported.  This is
  # presently only used by Prometheus to discover machines to monitor, but
  # in the not-too-distant future talaria will use this interaction to load
  # balance across all caduceus machines instead of using DNS.
  # (Optional)
    # consul configures the consul library in caduceus to use the local
    # service discovery agent
      # client defines how to connect to the local consul agent (on the same
      # VM/container)
        # address is the address of the local consul agent
        address: ""
        # scheme is how the consul library should interact with the local
        # consul agent
        scheme: "http"
        # waitTime is TBD
        waitTime: "30s"

      # disableGenerateID is TBD
      disableGenerateID: true

      # registrations defines what services caduceus should register with
      # consul
      #     id      - the VM/container instance name registered with consul
      #     name    - the name of service being registered
      #     tags    - a list of tags to associate with this registration
      #     address - the mechanism to reach the service (generally unique fqdn)
      #     port    - the port to reach the service at
      #     checks  - the list of checks to perform to determine if the service
      #               is available/healthy
      #         checkID                        - TBD
      #         ttl                            - how long the check is valid for
      #         deregisterCriticalServiceAfter - the duration to wait before the
      #                                          service is removed due to check
      #                                          failures
          id: ""
          name: "talaria"
            - "prod"
            - "mint"
            - "stage=prod"
            - "flavor=mint"
          address: ""<WEBPA_SERVER_IP>
          port: 6001
              checkID: ""
              ttl: "30s"
              deregisterCriticalServiceAfter: "70s"

    file: "/var/log/talaria/talaria.log"
    level: "DEBUG"
    json: false

        handshakeTimeout: "10s"
      initialCapacity: 100000
      maxDevices: 100
      deviceMessageQueueSize: 100
      pingPeriod: "45s"
      idlePeriod: "135s"
      requestTimeout: "15s"
      method: "POST"
      requestTimeout: "125s"
      defaultScheme: "http"
        - "http"
        - "https"
      outboundQueueSize: 1000
      workerPoolSize: 100
        maxIdleConns: 0
        maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        idleConnTimeout: "120s"
      clientTimeout: "160s"
      authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


    defaultScheme: http


"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section

"file"                : Under "log" section, change the value from "stdout" to a file name if we need to redirect debug messages to a separate log file.


"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section.

"aws"              : Add fake values as described previously.

Code Block
titleSample configuration file [/etc/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.yaml]

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Tr1d1um-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: ""

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.2-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

# WebPA Service configuration

# For a complete view of the service config structure,
# checkout

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary provides the configuration for the main server for this application
  address: ":9003"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  address: ":9004"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  address: ":9005"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  address: ":9082"
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "webpa"

    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "tr1d1um"

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  file: "/var/log/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.log"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "DEBUG"

  # maxsize is the maximum log file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true

# Webhooks Related configuration

# webhooksEnabled indicates whether or not the webhooks server should be started
# It is disabled for local testing
webhooksEnabled: false

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  The webhooks library uses it
# to know which host to use to confirm this service is ready to receive events
# (Optional if not running webhooks)
fqdn: ""

# start contains configuration for the logic by which Tr1d1um can
# fetch the current WebPA webhooks without having to wait for SNS
# It does so by pinging the rest of the cluter at the specified apiPath
# More detaisl at
  # duration is the max amount of time allowed to wait for webhooks data to be retrieved
  duration: "20s"

  # path used to query the existing webhooks
  apiPath: http://localhost:6100/hooks

# Webhooks DNS readiness Configuration

# WaitForDns is the duration the webhooks library will wait for this server's DNS record to be
# propagated. This waiting logic is important so AWS SNS webhook confirmations are not missed
waitForDns: "30s"

#soa stands for Start of Authority and it's a type of record in a DNS
  # provider is the SOA provider used to verify DNS record readiness of this service
  provider: ""

# Webhooks AWS SNS Configuration

# aws provides the AWS SNS configurations the webhooks library needs
  #AWS access key
  accessKey: "fake-accessKey"

  #AWS secret key
  secretKey: "fake-secretKey"

  env: local-dev

    # awsEndpoint is the AWS endpoint
    # this must be left out in produ
    awsEndpoint: http://goaws:4100

    #region is the AWS SNS region
    region: "us-east-1"

    # topicArn describes the SNS topic this server needs to subscribe to
    topicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:xmidt-local-caduceus

    #urlPath is the URL path SNS will use to confirm a subscription with this server
    urlPath: "/api/v2/aws/sns"

# Testing Authorization Credentials

# authHeader is a list of Basic Auth credentials intended to be used for local testing purposes
# WARNING! Be sure to remove this from your production config
authHeader: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# WRP and XMiDT Cloud configurations

# targetURL is the base URL of the XMiDT cluster
targetURL: http://localhost:7000

# WRPSource is used as 'source' field for all outgoing WRP Messages
WRPSource: ""

# supportedServices is a list of endpoints we support for the WRP producing endpoints
# we will soon drop this configuration
  - "config"

# HTTP Transaction Configurations

# clientTimeout is the timeout for the HTTP clients used to contact the XMiDT cloud
clientTimeout: "135s"

# respWaitTimeout is the max time Tr1d1um will wait for responses from the XMiDT cloud
respWaitTimeout: "129s"

# netDialerTimeout is the timeout used for the net dialer used within HTTP clients
netDialerTimeout: "5s"

# requestRetryInterval is the time between HTTP request retries against XMiDT
requestRetryInterval: "2s"

# requestMaxRetries is the max number of times an HTTP request is retried against XMiDT in
# case of ephemeral errors
requestMaxRetries: 2


Code Block
titleGET Parameter
$ curl -H ''Authorization:Basic <AUTH_TOKEN>' -i http://<WEBPA-URL>/api/v2/device/mac:<DEVICE_MAC>/config?names=<PARAMETER>
$ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==' -i<WEBPA_SERVER_IP:PORT>/api/v2/device/mac:84e058575831/config?names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName
