Column |
| RDK Licensees:- 24i
- 3 Screen Solutions
- 4Mod
- 5Values (Paratus People)
- 5x9 Networks
- Accedo
- Accenture
- ACCESS Europe GmbH
- Access Systems Americas
- Across Platforms
- Actiontec
- Active Video Networks, Inc.
- Adaptive Spectrum & Signal Alignment, Inc.
- Adscend Communication Pvt Ltd
- Adelie Technologies
- Adiccon
- ADigitalService
- Adobe
- Aerial Technologies, Inc.
- Agama Technologies
- AirTies
- Akamai Technologies
- Alberta Ltd.
- Alethea Communications Technologies.
- Ali Corporation
- Allion Labs, Inc.
- Allot Ltd
- Alpha Defense
- Alpha Networks
- Alpha Technologies
- Altech Multimedia
- Alticast
- Altice Labs
- Altice USA
- Altimedia
- Altran
- Amdocs
- Amino Communications
- Amlogic
- Androme
- Andromeda
- ANTIK Technology, s.r.o.
- Anycon
- AnyFi Networks AB
- App Dynamic
- AppCarousel
- Applied Broadband
- Aprecomm
- Arcadyan Technology Corp.
- Architech
- Arcom Digital
- Area22
- Arion
- Arm Ltd
- Asian Information Technology Inc.
- Askey
- Atende Software
- Aticara Technologies & Systems Pvt Ltd.
- Atlanta DTH, Inc.
- Avast Software
- AVX Corporation
- AwoX Networks
- Axiros
- Axonista
- Azuki Systems
- Backtrace I/O
- BCI Digital
- Beacon Inc.
- Beechwood Software
- Beegol
- Beijing Gehua
- Belkin International, Inc.
- Benu Networks
- Betv-Voo
- BigScreen Technology
- Bitcore
- BitDefender
- Bitmovin
- Bitrouter
- Blaster Tech Engineering
- Blonder Tongue
- Blu-Castle Iberia S.L.
- Blue Rock Software
- Bold SA
- BoomCloud 360, Inc.
- Borea
- Bounce Stone Technologies
- Brighthouse Networks
- BrightLine
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- Broadcom
- Broadpeak
- BskyB
- Bullguard Israel Ltd.
- Bumpconductor
- Bytecrew
- Cable ONE
- CableLabs
- Cadent Technology
- Calcomp
- Cambridge Memory Trading
- Canoe Ventures
- Capgemini Engineering
- Cardinal Peak
- Cartesian
- CastleNet
- Cavium
- Celeno
- CenturyLink
- Channel Islands
- Charter
- Chie Media Private Limited
- CIG Shanghai Co. Ltd
- Cinfo
- Cisco
- Civolution
- CJSC Business Computer Center
- Claysol Media Labs
- Clean Router
- Clearbridge Mobile (an Amdocs company)
- Clypd
- Cobalt Speech & Language
- Cocus Portugal Next - It Services, Lda
- Cognitive Systems
- Cognizant
- Coherent Logix
- Collabora
- Columbus International
- Comcast
- Commscope(Now Arris)
- Communications Test Design, Inc
- Comnisen
- Compal Broadband Network
- Compal Electronics, Inc
- Company 100
- Comsonics
- Comtrend Corporation
- Conax
- Concurrent
- Connected Lab
- Contec
- Contraly
- Conviva Inc.
- CoreTV
- Corpus Media Labs
- Covatic
- Cox
- Craftwork Inc.
- Credersi
- Cryptoguard
- CTRL-IT Jamaica
- CyberPoint
- CyberTan
- Cycloid II
- Dasan Network Solutions
- Datastream Media
- Deep BI
- Delivery Agent
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- Deutsche Telekom Labs
- Devialet
- Devolo GmbH
- Digital Multimedia Technology
- Digital Stream
- Dimark
- DiscVision
- Divitel
- D-Link
- Domos AS
| - Dotscreen
- Dragon Technology
- DTV Research
- Eagle Kingdom Technologies Ltd. (EKT)
- Easton Velocity
- EcoNet (Suzhou) Limited
- Edge Networks
- ElAraby for trading and manufacture
- Electroline Equipment Inc.
- Electronic Arts Inc.
- embedUR systems inc
- enableTV
- Enimai
- Ensequence
- Entertainment Identifier
- Entone
- Entrix Co. Ltd.
- Envieta Systems
- Epam Systems
- Ericsson
- Erlab Technology
- ES3
- Espial
- Essensium/Mind
- Eurofins Digital Testing
- Evergent
- Evolution Digital LLC
- EWC Technologies
- extended star srl
- EzBox Media
- Fairmile West
- Feijoa Technology
- Fermat Software
- FetchTV
- Feyzilogic
- Fibocom Wireless Inc
- Fincons SPA
- First Layer Health
- Flair Networks Incorporated
- Fon Wireless
- Foreversoft
- Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd.
- Forspace Solutions
- Forsway
- FoxConn
- Foxxum
- Franklin Technology
- Fraunhofer
- Freesat (UK) Ltd
- Friend MTS
- Fsecure
- Fujian Newland Communication Science Technology Co., Ltd
- Futarque
- FX Digital
- GCS Recruitment Specialists
- GCT Research
- Geanix
- Gemtek Technologies Co. LTD.
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- GK Wave Energy
- Glance InMobi Pte. Ltd.
- GlobalEdge Software Ltd.
- GlobalLogic
- Globius System
- Gospell
- GrabTV, Inc.,
- Grab Vision Group
- Gracenote
- Greenwave Systems
- Gsertel
- Guavus
- Handan BroadInfoCom
- Hangyi Global Limited
- Hangzhou NationalChip Science & Technology Co., Ltd
- Happiest Minds
- Harmonic, Inc
- HCL America Inc.
- Hefei Radio Communication Technology Co., Ltd
- HFC Technics
- Hikvision
- Hillcrest Labs
- Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies Co., Ltd
- Hitron Technologies
- Home Automated Living
- Omni Remotes (Home Control Singapore)
- Homecast
- Huawei Digital
- Hughes Systique Corp.
- Humax
- HUMAX Networks
- Hybrid Access Technologies
- Hybroad Vision
- iCotera A/S
- IGNITION Design Labs
- IKON Interactive
- Ikura Labs
- Ikusi Multimedia
- Imagination Technologies
- Imagine Communications
- Inango Systems Ltd.
- Incognito
- IneoQuest
- Infomir
- Infosys
- InfoValue Computing
- Innobox Systems Private Limited
- InnoMedia Inc.
- Innopia
- Innotrans Communications
- Innovatech Engineering
- Innovative
- InnoWave
- iNovo
- Inria
- Inseego
- Inspur Software Group, LTD
- Intek Digital
- Intel
- Intellica Inc
- IntelliVision
- Interactive Homes Inc
- Interfere X Communications
- Intive
- IntroPro US
- Invidi technologies
- IOIntelligence
- iopsys Software Solutions AB
- IoT2GO Canada Inc.
- IP Gallery
- Irdeto
- ISPApp
- IT Access
- IT Link
- iWedia
- JetHead
- JJR Software Solutions
- Kaleidescape
- Kaon Group
- Kazlouroche Engineering Ltd.
- K-Businesscom AG
- Kids Wireless
- Kineton
- Korbank
- Kunai
- L&T Technology Services
- Laplacian
- Leadernet Services
- Lemco IKE
- Lemma Solutions
- Levl Technologies
- LG Electronics
- Liberty Global
- Liberty Latin America
- Limehill
- Linaro
- Linux Embedded
- Lisbon Works
- Live Reply
- Loudmouth Security Inc.
- LVL Studio
- M3C (Broadband Semantics Consulting)
- M4B
- MadGlory
- Magic Media
- Maqsood Labs
- Mariner
- Marusys
- Massive Interactive
- Maxlinear
- McAfee Pvt Ltd
- MEA Software Limited
| - Media5 Corp
- Mediagram
- MediaMelon
- Mediatek
- Media-Press.TV AG
- Merapar Technologies Group BV
- Metrological
- Metz Consumer Electronics GmbH
- Mimik
- Minerva Networks
- Minim
- Mirada TV
- mm1 Technologies GmbH
- Mobica
- Mobiotics IT Solution Pvt Ltd
- Mojo Networks
- MolQ Entertainment
- Montage LZ Technologies
- More Screens
- Morse Micro
- Motv
- Movea S.A.
- Mstar Semiconductor
- Multichoice
- MWare
- Myriad
- Nagravision
- NBC Universal
- Ness
- NetCode d.o.o.
- NetCom Group S.p.A.
- Netduma ISP Solutions Ltd.
- Netflix
- NetForecast
- Netgear
- NetRange
- Network Broadcast
- Neusoft
- NeuStar
- Nevelex
- Newmedia Consulting, Inc.
- Next Day Lab
- NextFriday Ltd
- Nokia
- Nordija
- Novabase Digital TV
- Nuovo Solutions LLC
- Nuron Networks India Private Limited
- Nuuday A/S
- Nuxiz
- O.S. Systems Software
- Ocean Blue Software
- Ocilion IPTV Technologies GmbH
- Ohsung Electronics
- Omatic
- Omnima Limited
- Omnivision Technologies, Inc.
- On Semiconductor
- Oogram Technologies
- Openet Telecom Sales Ltd.
- Opentech
- Opera
- Optim
- Optiwi-fi
- OptM Media Solutions
- Orange
- Oregan Networks
- Orion Technologies Limited
- Ovyo
- Pachem
- Pantacor Ltd.
- Pantek Technology Corp.,
- Pavlov Media
- Pegatron Corp
- Pentola
- Peter Wood Software
- Phantasoft S.R.L
- Piksel, Inc
- Pion Technology
- Pioneer Corp
- Pixela
- PixelMax
- Pixeom
- Plume Design
- PlusPlus Consulting Ltd
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Prime Electronics & Satellitics Inc.
- Privafy
- Promptlink
- Promwad
- Pronto Networks
- Proximus
- PureIntegration
- QA Cafe
- Qualcomm
- Quantenna Communications
- Quantum Radius Corporation
- Qubercomm
- Quickline AG
- R Systems
- Radiant Communications
- Realtek
- RealVNC
- Rebox
- RedCellApps
- Red Embedded Consulting
- Red Space
- RefractN
- Remote Solution
- Remote Solution America
- Remotec
- Retinmount, s.r.o.
- Rexcel Group
- Rhonda Software
- Robosoft Technologies Pvt Ltd
- Rogers
- Rosebud IOT Limited aka Sweepr
- RScrypto Technology
- Ruru Tek
- Ruwido
- Ryvr Tech Ltd
- S.C. Asperitas Solutions
- Sagemcom
- Sagemcom Broadband SAS
- Sam Nazarko Trading Ltd
- Samsung
- Sartura
- Sanctum Networks
- Sasken
- Seachange
- Securifi
- Seenspire
- Senslinq Inc
- Sentaca
- Sentosa
- SERAPHIC Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
- Sercomm
- Sharp
- Shaw Communications
- ShenZhen Define Technology Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen GIEC Digital Co.,ltd
- Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics Co Ltd
- Shenzhen Jiuzhou Electric Co., Ltd
- Shenzhen Newglee Technology Co., Ltd
- Shenzhen Oranth Technology
- Shenzhen RX Technology Co
- Shenzhen SDMC Technology Co., Ltd
- Shenzhen SEI Robotics Co., Ltd
- Shenzhen Shiningworth Technology Co
- Shoelace Wireless Inc
- Sichuan Changhong Network Technologies Co., Ltd.
- Sichuan Changhong NeoNet Technologies Co., Ltd.
- Siden
- Sigma IT
- Silicon Labs
- Simplicity
- SK Planet
- Skardin Industrial Corp
- Skillbill srl
- Skitter Inc.
- Skreens Entertainment Technologies
- Sky Africa
- Skyworth
- Slovak Telekom a.s.
- SmarDTV Corporation
- Smartcom-Bulgaria AD
| - Smartlabs
- SmartRG Inc
- Smith Micro Software, Inc.
- Sofiatech
- SoftAtHome
- Softiti
- Solekai
- Solution57 ApS
- Sonamix
- SoundHound
- Spanidea Systems
- Sparks
- Spectracore Technologies
- SPG Studios
- Spirent
- ST Micro
- StaticTV
- Stetel
- Strategy and Technology Ltd
- Streambow
- StreamOwl
- Streamroot
- Suitest
- Sumitomo Electric Networks, Inc.
- Sure Universal Ltd.
- Suzhou Morelink Communication Technology Co., Ltd
- Synamedia Americas, LLC
- Synaptics
- Synopsys
- Tantiv4
- Tara Systems
- Tata America
- Tata Elxsi
- Tatung Technology Inc. (TTI)
- TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited
- TecAce
- Tech Mahindra
- Tech Rizes Transdomain Pvt Ltd
- Tech4Home
- Technicolor
- Techtxfer Consulting Services
- Tektronix Comm LLC
- Tektronix, Inc
- Tele Columbus
- Telechips Inc
- Telecine Multimedia
- Telecom Argentina
- TeleIDEA Software BV
- TelenetGroup
- Teleplan
- Televideocom
- TeraVolt
- Ternion Services Ltd
- Testronic Labs
- TGR - Quaasar
- The Bhimavaram Community Network
- The DTVKit Open Software Foundation
- The Leading Path
- The Platform
- The S&A Transform Academy
- The Qt Company
- Thetatronics Ltd
- ThinkAnalytics
- ThinkPalm Technologies PVT LTD
- Thinq.Ai
- Threadsafe, LLC
- Thundersoft
- Tianjin Hualai Technology Co
- Tin Roof
- T-Mobile
- Tolka Telecommunications Corporation
- Totalplay
- TP-Link
- Tractoral
- Triangle Video
- Tribalyte Technologies
- Trick Play
- Triple
- Trunexa
- T-Systems
- TV2Z
- Tvbeat
- Ubee Interactive
- Ubiquoss
- Ubitus
- Unionman Technology CO., LTD
- Unisoft
- Unitch
- United Media Network
- Unium Inc
- University of Connecticut
- UXP Systems
- ValueLabs
- Vecima
- Veego
- Velope Inc.
- VeriHome Inc.
- Verimatrix
- Very
- Vestel Elektronik
- Vewd
- Viaccess Orca
- Viavi Solutions
- Video Experts Group
- Video Grid, LLC
- Videon Central
- Videostrong
- Videotron
- Viosoft
- Virtusa
- VisibleWorld
- Visiware
- Visla Systems Ltd
- Visonum GmbH
- Vitec
- Vivotek, Inc
- ViXS
- Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH
- Vodworks
- Vudoo
- V-Silicon
- W-Consil
- Webomates
- Western Digital
- WeTek Electronics
- While1 Software Solutions
- Widget Company
- WingTech Group (Hong Kong)
- Wipro
- Wistron NeWeb Corporation
- Witbe
- Wiztivi
- WTFast
- Wurl
- WyPlay
- XAVi Technologies Corp.
- Xavient Information Systems
- Xcinex
- Xerone LLC
- Xiaomi Electronics Co
- XITE Networks Netherlands B.V.
- Xunison
- Ydcome
- You.i TV
- yphi, Inc.
- Zap
- Zapperbox
- Zappware
- Zattoo
- Zen Networks
- Zenterio
- Ziggo
- Zilogic Systems
- Zinwell
- Zito Media
- Zodiac
- Zoftcom Europa S.L.
- Zoom Technologies Inc
- ZTE Corporation
- Zyxel Communications Corporation