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1Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareDownloadURLhttp:// Value should be local/public http server url
2Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocolhttpValue should be auto-generated based on above parameter Input
3Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareToDownloadrdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20210525055548.rootfs.wicValue should be Firmware Image Name .

Note: This API does not reboot the device.

4Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareDownloadStatusCompletedReturns the current state of the Firmware Download operation.

Downloads and upgrades the firmware. The firmware is updated in the passive bank and marks it as active.

Reboots the device and the device boots up with the active bank and updated firmware.

Pre-requisites - I

Flashing the image

titlesd-card size requisite

It is must to have minimal size of 8GB SD-Card for Firmware upgrade support

Command to flash the image

Generated image has to be flashed to an SD card using this command in local PC:


The Raspberry Pi board is connected to the PC via a USB to serial converter and the logs can be checked in console or can be connected via HDMI cable to a TV and logs will be shown in the terminal

Increasing the rootfs partition size in SD-CARD if Flashed for first time

It is necessary to have partizion size matching to  RDKB image size ( especially rootfs ). 


8. After applying close size increased to 2 GB can be seen

Local Apache2 server set up

Server Set-up 

  1.  Install the apache2 http server in local pc
  2.  place the rpi image in document root directory.

HTTP Location folder

Verify that rpi image file  is present in the http folder. Here , document root directory as "/var/www/html"

Code Block
titleLocal Http server Document root path
keerthana@keerthana-INVALID:/var/www/html$ pwd
keerthana@keerthana-INVALID:/var/www/html$ ls -lh rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20210813104338.rootfs.wic
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316M Aug 13 17:29 rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20210813104338.rootfs.wic



requisites - II

       Please check the below commands to verify the Fwupgrade Manager is running or not in rpi device,
