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There are generic test cases that can be executed on Raspberry Pi device loaded with RDKB stack. This helps partners to familiarize with the Automatics system and helps to validate basic features in RDKB in Raspberry Pi.

Below diagram shows the communication between different components in Automatics and the device. Diagram

A user can login to RPi device via different ways such making ssh connection or telnet connection and this method is specific to partners.  So there should be an intermediate layer between RPi device and Automatics which helps  to connect with device. This intermediate layer is the RPi Partner Provider Implementation which contains partner specific implementation of different Providers defined by Automatics. 

To connect with an RPi device, DeviceConnection Provider is used. The project rpi-provider/java-handler contains implementation of DeviceConnection Provider based on ssh connection. So it makes an ssh connection to device, execute command within device and return the response. The test scripts uses DeviceConnection Provider to execute commands within device and verify the response.

To execute tests on Raspberry Pi device, partner has to ensure below setups are done.

  • Automatics system (Includes Automatics Orchestration, Automatics Properties, Device Manager, Jenkins)
  • Automatics Core and RDKB Utils maven artifacts deployed in self hosted artifactory repository
  • Configure Raspberry Pi device in Device Manager, Automatics Orchestration and Automatics Properties
  • Configure the test scripts in Automatics Orchestration
  • Maven Deploy generic Raspberry Pi Provider Implementation provided by RDKM or partner specific Raspberry Pi Provider Implementation to self hosted artifactory repository.
  • Configure Raspberry Pi Provider Implementation artifact details in jenkins job.


Detailed Steps for Raspberry Pi Test Setup
