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A smart debugger greatly enhances the effectiveness of test case development by simulating test execution in debug mode. Users can strategically place breakpoints within test steps, allowing Jenkins to pause execution at these designated points. The test steps which has breakpoint won't be executed until the user resumes the test execution. For the Automation Developers, while developing the testcase itself they can use this testcase debugger feature for validating the testcases.

Configurations in Orchestration


  1. Copy the jar file to the VM where Debugger Service to be deployed.
  2. Create 2 directories debugger-service and logs in VM.
  3. Copy the jar file to debugger-service directory.
  4. Run the below command from debugger-service directory to bring the Debugger Service up in the VM.

    nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar debuggerservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log 2>&1 &
  5. debuggerservice.log file will be created in the logs directory and we can check the real time logs of the Debugger Service using this file.


1. In step builder page at the top, developer can find a debugger icon. Click on the icon to open the testcase debugger popup.
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2. In the debugger popup, developer can see configuration options to start the execution.
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After starting the execution, click on EXECUTION LOGS panel to see the execution logs.