[RDK Central Wiki]
[Code Releases]
Please see previous section on how to create an SD card for your RPi.
Copy the application to RPI from the application release folder:
root@259cf4027f4f:/src# cd ./target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/
root@259cf4027f4f:/src/target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release# ll
total 424
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 13 11:52 .cargo-lock
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 .fingerprint/
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 build/
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 397736 Sep 13 11:52 ccsponrust*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 93 Sep 13 11:52 ccsponrust.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 deps/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 examples/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 11:52 incremental/
root@259cf4027f4f:/src/target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release# scp ./ccsponrust root@<RPI WAN IP>:/usr/bin/
The authenticity of host '<RPI WAN IP> (<RPI WAN IP>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:x8mqAS8tNWVGTcTSQd6JoRTS3xFDQa0iKIogCallOtk.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '<RPI WAN IP>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@<RPI WAN IP>'s password: <Type here root password if any>
Let's start the application on RPi now.
The aplication is relying on librbus.so library.
At first start most probably it will fail with:
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ccsponrust
ccsponrust: error while loading shared libraries: librbus.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Create as symlink to the existing rbus lib.
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ls -la /usr/lib/librbus.so*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Sep 12 14:47 /usr/lib/librbus.so.0 -> librbus.so.2.0.11
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 138548 Sep 12 14:47 /usr/lib/librbus.so.2.0.11
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ln -s /usr/lib/librbus.so.2.0.11 /usr/lib/librbus.so
Start Find or copy ccsponrust on Raspberry Pi.
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ./ccsponrust --command set --component gl_component --name Device.X_RDK_WebConfigManagementServer.URL --value test_str_2 https://new-acswg.g.comcast.net
Start executing command: set; component: gl_component; name: Device.X_RDK_WebConfigManagementServer.URL
open_rbus result: ok
value: test_str_2https://new-acswg.g.comcast.net
set_rbus_value result: ok
close_rbus result: ok
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ./ccsponrust --command get --component gl_component --name Device.X_RDK_WebConfig.URL ManagementServer.URL
Start executing command: get; component: gl_component; name: Device.X_RDK_WebConfigManagementServer.URL
open_rbus result: ok
get_rbus_value result: ok
value: test_str_2https://new-acswg.g.comcast.net/cwmpWeb/DigestCPEMgt?target=/CPEMgt
close_rbus result: ok
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ./ccsponrust --command subscribe --component gl_component --name Device.X_RDK_WebConfig.URL.WiFi.Radio.2.Channel --timeout 3600 36000
Start executing command: subscribe; component: gl_component; name: Device.X_RDK_WebConfig.URL.WiFi.Radio.2.Channel
open_rbus result: ok
-----------Old Value:--------------
value: test_str44
-----------New Value:--------------
value: test_str_2
-----------Old Value:--------------
value: 157
-----------New Value:--------------
value: 48
orRunccsponrust with subscribe command on RPI, and change the name of SSID of the Wi-Fi interface on RPi RDK-B Web UI.A notification after applying on the UI will be caught by ccsponrust application.
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ./ccsponrust --command subscribe --component gl_component --name Device.WiFi.SSIDRadio.12.SSIDChannel --timeout 360036000
Start executing command: subscribe; component: gl_component; name: Device.WiFi.SSIDRadio.12.SSIDChannel
open_rbus result: ok
-----------Old Value:--------------
value: 44
-----------New Value:--------------
value: GL-wifi1dddd157
-----------Old Value:--------------
value: 157
-----------New Value:--------------
value: GL-wifi_test
After starting subscribtion enter RDKB Web UI and change related values for 5GHz Wi-Fi AP: SSID or Channel.
A notification after applying on the UI will be caught by ccsponrust application.
Note! Application can change only parameters available for reading and writing for R-Bus from RDKB middleware side.
Some values of data model like like Device.WiFi.SSID.1.SSID doesn’t support set in data model, and it is not possible to set new values for this parameter using rbus. It was tested with default rdkb cli apps.