Versions Compared


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Code Block
root@OpenWrt:/# scp manigandan@<Your-PC-IP>:BOX/*$1* /tmp/
root@OpenWrt:/# mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt
root@OpenWrt:/# mv /tmp/zImage-* /mnt/zImage
root@OpenWrt:/# umount /mnt
root@OpenWrt:/# mount /dev/mmcblk0p5 /mnt
root@OpenWrt:/# rm -rf /mnt/*
root@OpenWrt:/# tar -xzf /tmp/rdkb-* -C /mnt/
root@OpenWrt:/# umount /mnt
root@OpenWrt:/# reboot

Press enter while turris omnia reboots to get into u-boot prompt. Then type following u-boot commands to get back to Yocto based RDKB image.

=> env set yocto_bootargs earlyprintk console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rootfstype=ext2 rw rootwait
=> env set yocto_mmcload setenv bootargs \"\$yocto_bootargs cfg80211.freg=\$regdomain\"\; ext2load mmc 0:3 0x01000000 zImage\; ext2load mmc 0:3 0x02000000 armada-385-turris-omnia.dtb
=> env set mmcboot run yocto_mmcload \|\| run openwrt_mmcload \|\| run factory_mmcload\; bootz 0x01000000 - 0x02000000
=> saveenv
=> reset

Turris Omnia is now running upgraded version of Yocto based RDKB image.
