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This Page is under Development


  • Webpa is a combination of a server and client that provide a simple interface to access the TR-181 objects on an RDK device.
  • It is a secure web protocol messaging system for bi-directional communication.

Environment Setup

  • Set-up Considerations


2. Auth token: The auth token will be used when configuring different webPA components as well while performing GET/SET requests to the CPE from a 3rd party application.

3. Make ServerURL changes in the script file of client service, /lib/rdk/

4. Run the below commands

     rm -rf /tmp/parodusCmd.cmd

     systemctl restart parodus

  • Accessing the System

Once the Turris-Omnia set-up is active with client services, communication between turris and WebPA server can be established.


The data from the client device can be fetched through the curl commands,

  • Curl command to retrieve the data(get parameter):

curl -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjp3ZWJwYQo=' -i ''



  • Curl command for the set operation:

curl -X PATCH -d '{"parameters": [{"dataType": 0,"name":"Device.Users.User.1.X_CISCO_COM_Password","value":"Testing123"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjp3ZWJwYQo='
