We want to RDKB simulator connect to ACS server, so that we can do more work on the simulator.

According to the log of /rdklogs/logs/TR69log.txt.0, I saw at the end of the log, there are many output like below:

220713-05:23:27.261092 [mod=TR69, lvl=INFO] [tid=1350] Waiting for system ready signal
220713-05:23:32.262238 [mod=TR69, lvl=INFO] [tid=1350] Waiting for system ready signal
220713-05:23:37.262936 [mod=TR69, lvl=INFO] [tid=1350] Waiting for system ready signal
220713-05:23:37.264659 [mod=TR69, lvl=INFO] [tid=1350] checkIfSystemReady(): ret 100, val 0
220713-05:23:37.264688 [mod=TR69, lvl=INFO] [tid=1350] Queried CR for system ready after waiting for 2 mins, it is still not ready

then I checked the log of /rdklogs/logs/CRlog.txt.0, I see many output as below.

System Not Ready!!!! 'com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.wifi' v1 NotRegistered

How to enable the system ready on RDKB simulator, so that I can let TR69Pa try to connect the ACS.

What's more, the SerialNumber in database is empty, I try to set the value, but it's only readable.

Do you know where to configure the Serial Number on RDKB simulator?

Thank you very much!

root@qemux86broadband:/# dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber string 'SN12345678'
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
setv from/to component(eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.pam): Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber
Execution fail(error code:CCSP_ERR_NOT_WRITABLE(9008)).

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  1. Hi Unknown User (jianchun.zhu) 

    To enable the TR069Pa,please find the below commands

    dmcli eRT setv Device.ManagementServer.URL string "Geniacs server IP:port"
    dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.TR69CertLocation string /etc/cacert.pem
    dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.AllowOpenPorts.Enable bool true
    dmcli eRT setv Device.ManagementServer.EnableCWMP bool true

    Could you provide us the below details

    1. RDKB release which you are using for simulator .
    2. CcspTR069 process is up and running ( ps | grep -i CcspTr*)

    As per the Broadband Forum ,the Data model Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber is not writable.so setting of this parameter will give the error as expected.

    1. Hi Unknown User (deepika.b) 

      Thank you very much for your reply.

      1. RDKB release

             dunfell branch, I used the below command to build the simulator.

      repo init -u https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/manifests -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b dunfell 
      repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle 
      MACHINE=qemux86broadband source meta-cmf/setup-environment 
      bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image

             2. CcspTr069 process is running

      root@qemux86broadband:/# ps -ef | grep -i CcspTr
      non-root  1303     1  0 03:04 ?        00:00:09 /usr/bin/CcspTr069PaSsp -subsys eRT.

      I think the problem is below I saw from the log /rdklogs/logs/CRlog.txt.0

      System Not Ready!!!! 'com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.wifi' v1 NotRegistered

      how to enable wifi on the simulator? or how to let system ready without Wifi? Thank you!

      1. Hi Unknown User (jianchun.zhu) 

        For Emulator dunfell release ,there are some known issue which are being fixed.

        Could you please try with stable release for emulator.

        The last stable release for emulator is https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/display/CMF/RDK-B_2021q1
        NOTE: With 2021q1 , if you are facing below error , please port https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/c/components/asp/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-bsp-emulator/+/55550/1/recipes-connectivity/obexpushd/obexpushd_0.11.3.bb and check the build
        ERROR: obexpushd-0.11.3-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: 'https://gitlab.com/obexpushd/mainline/repository/0.11.3/archive.tar.gz'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.ERROR: obexpushd-0.11.3-r0 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch

        1. Hi Unknown User (deepika.b) 

          Thank you. I will have a try!

        2. Hello Unknown User (deepika.b) 

          I met the below issue when I compile the rdkb-2021q1.

          hint: See "git help submodule" for more information.
          ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /hemingt_repo/RDK-B_2021q1/meta-rdk-ext/recipes-support/libtomcrypt/libtomcrypt_1.17.bb                   | ETA:  0:00:30
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/hemingt_repo/RDK-B_2021q1/openembedded-core/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py", line 386, in DataSmart.expandWithRefs(s='${SRCPV}', varname='PV'):
              >                s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s)

          I followed the steps as below:

          $ repo init -u https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/manifests -m rdkb.xml -b rdkb-2021q1
          $ repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle
          $ source meta-cmf-bsp-emulator/setup-environment (select qemux86broadband-morty)
          37) meta-rdk-bsp-emulator/conf/machine/qemux86broadband-morty.conf

          $ bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image
          1. Hi Unknown User (jianchun.zhu) 

            please add the below code changes to your workspace and try build

            Mostly some build failures might seen because of the error "The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported" which causes fetch/expansion failure". The below fix needs to be applied for this failure 
