After following the exact steps provided in the documentation, The image is formed of size 80  MB and unpacked size of 400 MB. Even after successful flashing the image does not work for RPI.

I believe the reason is related to the following:

         1)While repo syncing, it shows a shared project working which then moves to garbage collection.

I have tried using different accounts, different systems and different configuration and the shared project prompt still persists.

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  1. Hi,

    The final image size mentioned(80, 400MB) , falls in normal range. Could you please elaborate on "Even after successful flashing, the image does not work for RPI."? As in, what is the specific issue/error seen after image flashing? Is the device not coming up after flashing  or TDK processes alone are not up?


    Smrithi S

    1. The TDKB RPI build  image is 400 MB but after flashing it, the screen is blank  with the RPI logo on top of the screen.