
What's the meaning and purpose of the parameter PartnerID in syscfg db? In my device, it was set to comcast.

and I noticed it would block ACS connection when the ACS URL is http. 

Do you know Which application set this parameter?

syscfg get PartnerID

Thank you!

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  1. Hi Unknown User (heming.a.tang) 

    PartnerID value is used for partner customization and configuration. RDK-B has partners configuration in partners_default.json file . Normally PartnerID is related to OEM vendor. But we can configure our own partnerID and we need to mention corresponding configuration in partners_defaults.json file, this json file has configurations like  UIBranding, LAN and other configuration 

    Could you please change the partnerID Value to RDKM and verify the ACS-Client connectivity in your Device .To change partnerID on DUT itself  find the below commands
    syscfg set PartnerID RDKM
    syscfg commit

    1. Hello Unknown User (deepika.b) 

      Thank you very much for your sharing.

      I checked the configuration file partners_defaults.json. This file defined the default values of some parameters for different OEM vendors.

      And according to PartnerID,  to select the certain configuration of the vendor in  partners_defaults.json.

      Do you know which application firstly set the PartnerID in the syscfg? I think the PartnerID value should be defined in the image building. 

      Can you explain where to define the PartnerID vaule?

      Thank you!

      1. Hi Unknown User (heming.a.tang) 

        It is from Utopia . for this please check get_PartnerID() function .

        This partnerID is read using a syscfg variable "PartnerID" . Yes it needs to be defined during image build . 

        refer : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/plugins/gitiles/rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/Utopia/+/refs/heads/rdkb-2022q3-dunfell/source/scripts/init/src/apply_system_defaults/apply_system_defaults.c#764

        It can be changed using below DMCLI

        • dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.PartnerId string <partner-id>
        • dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.RDKB_Control.ActivatePartnerId bool true