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Are there any plans for support of the mechanism for switching (dynamic or on boot) between interfaces that function as WAN ?
For example, fallback from DOCSIS to Ethernet or WiFi, user preference schema for choosing a WAN interface ...
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Unknown User (smariappan)
As far as we know, there is no such plan for this feature from the RDK-B development team.
Unknown User (ekvetny)
In RDK-B documentation I see that the WAN interface in RDK-B is not cable only (e.g. "erouter" in Cable Lab terminology). Could you please confirm ?
Unknown User (smariappan)
In RDK-B, HAL interface APIs for required WAN type need to be implemented for interacting with the particular stack (eg:- Docsis Stack). CM HAL, EPON HAL, GPON HAL etc. can be used for Docsis, Ethernet, fiber communication respectively.
Currently CM HAL & EPON HAL is available in RDK-B CMF repository.