Jira Tickets and its status:


      • Summary
        • Count
          • Assignee
            • Key
              71.0%10.4%5.9%8.9%3.8%Unknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi)Unknown User (josekutty)Unknown User (jwang02)Unknown User (josekutty_kuriakose)Unknown User (immaneni.kanthikiran)Unknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi): 94269 (71.0%)Unknown User (josekutty): 13745 (10.4%)Unknown User (jwang02): 7802 (5.9%)Unknown User (josekutty_kuriakose): 11751 (8.9%)Unknown User (immaneni.kanthikiran): 5202 (3.8%)
              Request to change the key for getting UI switch screenNew

              Sending letter "m" to Cobalt launches Main UI instead of printing "m"NewUnknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi) 

              RDKCOM-1865Launch Diagnostics screen with RCUOpenWill start after 2 weeksImprovement requested by The team.yet to start by srini team
              RDKCOM-1859UI is loading without backgroundOpenUnknown User (josekutty)

              Jose team will be updating this by this week.Waiting for RM ,RDKCOM-1885

              Validated in latest build and re-assigned to srinu

              RDKCOM-1857Time update is not correct in UIOpen

              code merged :

              *Srini to check this/Same issue in skyworth too


              Exit button inside the Xumo App is not workingToDoUnknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi)
              srini will be taken care 


              RDKServices:Unable to connect to Wifi Network through UINew

              Ajith s to update the ticket/Waiting for PNI 2.0 changes

              HP40A-758Controller UI causes file descriptor leakOpenUnknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi)
              added https://ccp.sys.comcast.net/browse/RDKCOM-1899.changes are yet to merged


              Wi-Fi option is not enabling in settings menu.NewUnknown User (deepak_ponnath2)

              Gopi to test with latest build.datamodel changeid RDKCOM-1885 merged

              tr-181datamodel.xml file need to be updated in rpi. try with below xml and update


              gopi will try this

              PNI 2.0 code changes required. waiting for code changes



              After connecting to a Wifi network, Other networks disappear

              New Unknown User (srinivas_jagarlamudi)
              Happens intermittently.


              Radioline Metro App: Bloomberg radio could not be loaded

              Deepak will update on this
              RDK Services: Crash occurred while loading Preset URLs in Lightning app, Search and Discovery and Resident appNewUnknown User (jwang02) 
              Issue observed in 20.2 SDK. Assigned to broadcom
              RDKServices: Monitor plugin Controller UI issueNew

              srini and team will update 

              RDKCOM-1927TV show contents are not playing properly.Open
              simi is looking into it
              RDKCOM-1926Comcast UI: Wifi Password screen closes before entering the passwordNew
              PNI 2.0 required. once merged this will be resolved
              VIP7802-167Flickering screen on Bluetooth disconnect/connectNew
              Yet to start from UI team
              VIP7802-290Controller UI is not giving output for Ping an EndpointNew
              Issue has been fixed and validated, raised pull request: https://github.com/rdkcentral/rdkservices/pull/988


              Device IP address is not displayed in HOME UI.Open
              code changes raised for review by kanthirva/naseem


              RDKService: Resident app UI is not launching after Setting power state to ON from STANDBYNewUnknown User (mohammad.naseem) 


              RDKService: Device screen is going to boot screen during set and get screenResolution using RDKShellNew


              UI support for BT voiceNew
              Yet to start from UI team

              VIP7802-286 /


              Xcast support for Firebolt UI New
              Planned for this sprint


              Could not play the contents of Baeble Music Metro App

              Yet to start


              Weather Network displays wrong time informationOpen 
              Yet to start from UI team
              RDKCOM-1948Wifi screen and Bluetooth screen shows wrong messagesOpen

              Kathiravan is analyzing the issue

              This issue is not reproducible.
              this scenario tested along with RDKCOM-1843 fixes on "Linux raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid 5.4.72-v7 #1 SMP Thu Feb 4 07:09:51 UTC 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux"

              RDKCOM-1945Without ethernet connection, resident application is not launching in KAON.Open 

              Retry with latest build


              Provide an option in controller UI to set resolution and zoom settings New

              VIP7802-312RDK-Services : Radio button in Wi-FI TV Ui is not togglingNew

              This issue is not reproducible with below version.

              Linux raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid 5.4.72-v7 #1 SMP Mon Mar 8 12:21:50 UTC 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

              VIP7802-313Resident App URL is not automatically set if we reactivate the pluginNew


              Black screen when pressing exit button inside Radioline Metro AppNew

              RDKCOM-1972After performing one click on Suspend/Resume button, further clicks won't work from Controller UI unless we refresh the pageNew
              raise pull request: https://github.com/rdkcentral/ThunderUI/pull/43


              RDKServices:Screen capture didn't work from Controller UINew


              RDK Services: Couldn't enable Wifi from TV UI.New

              RDKCOM-1991RDKService: Metro apps icons are not loading without ethernet connectionOpenUnknown User (mohammad.naseem) 

              code merged: https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/c/components/opensource/RDK_apps/+/54528


              Support to add "Virtual keyboard" in Controller UiNew

              VIP7802-265 - Getting issue details... STATUS

              RDKService: Request to change the key for getting UI switch screen


              VIP7802-292 - Getting issue details... STATUS

              RDKService: Sending letter "m" to Cobalt launches Main UI instead of printing "m"


              HP40A-957RDK Services: Some plugins are not listed on left side of controller UINew

              HP40A-900RDKServices:For successful Bluetooth connection, 'CONNECTION FAILED message is shown in UI'New

              HP40A-977RDK Services: For some values of resolution, the screen goes blackNew

              Severity is high as with some of the configurations device is not able to revert back to normal operating mode.
              HP40A-953/REFPLTV-878RDK Services: Unable to Suspend/Destroy the client through RDKShell in Controller UINewUnknown User (mohammad.naseem) 

              HP40A-970/REFPLTV-879RDK Services: TV UI didn't reflect the Wifi interface StatusNewUnknown User (mohammad.naseem) 

              HP40A-972RDK Services: Controller UI access shows different behavior in two types of Wifi interface enablingNew

              HP40A-956RDK Services: Audio available for few seconds even after exiting from Radioline AppNew

              HP40A-954RDK Services: Security Agent plugin is not available in Controller UI's left panelNew

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