RDK Platforms define a set of environment variable and function (through shell scripts) which enables the middleware and application to access device specific information. There are service files and shell scripts to do this job, and this are provided by the Sysint-Broadband component. 

SysInt scripts: Generic build and system integration scripts.  

These are set of scripts provided to help you bring up, manage, control and monitor Routers. These scripts include the following:  

  • Erouter0 info.
  • Script for DCM simulator Support.
  • Script for NTPD.
  • Factory Reset operation.
  • Log Rotate operation.
  • Self-heal operation.
  • Firmware Upgrade functionality.
  • Webpa Server URL.
  • Remote Management operation.

Some device specific information is available from shell environment in form of variables mainly through property files i.e. /etc/device.properties (configuration file specific to a platform). Platforms also can override certain properties if needed. 

Along with this a collection of utility scripts defined under “/lib/rdk” provide information regarding common properties.

Environment variables

1) /etc/device.properties

Variable Name Description 
DEVICE_TYPE Type of the device (Broadband or Extender).
BUILD_TYPE Build type (dev or prod).
MOCA_INTERFACEName of the MOCA interface.
ETHERNET_INTERFACEName of the Ethernet interface.
MANUFACTUREOEM manufacturer name.
LOG_PATHPath for device logs.
CORE_PATHPath for corefiles.
PROCESS_RESTART_LOGNull device (i,e /dev/null).
MESH_SUPPORTEDGive info of Mesh Support.
WAN_TYPEDisplay input wan type.
WanFailOverSupportEnableSupport for WanFailOver.
BOX_TYPEModel name of the Router.
ARM_INTERFACEHolds wan interface name.
MODEL_NAMEModel name of the Router.
ATOM_INTERFACEHolds wan interface name.
ATOM_INTERFACE_IPHolds br0 interface ip .
ATOM_PROXY_SERVERHolds br0 interface ip.
PARODUS_URLParodus server url (local ip address with specified parodus port no).
WEBPA_CLIENT_URLwebpa client url(local ip address with specified webpa port no).
OneWiFiEnabledIndicate support of Onewifi for the device.
MODEL_NUMModel number for the device.
NVRAM2_SUPPORTEDIndicate support of NVRAM for the device.
TFTP_SERVER_IPProvide tftp server ip address.
PART_SIZE_OFFSETNumber used for log rotation.
WEBCONFIG_INTERFACEHolds wan interface name.


Variable NameDescription
LOG_SERVERIndicate log server URL.
DCM_LOG_SERVERIndicate log upload server URL.
DCM_LOG_SERVER_URLIndicate log upload settings server URL.
DCM_SCP_SERVERIndicate log server URL.
HTTP_UPLOAD_LINKIndicate upload path for logs.
DCA_UPLOAD_URLIndicate log server URL.
DCM_HTTP_SERVER_URLIndicate telemetry Log server URL.
DCM_LA_SERVER_URLIndicate upload path for logs.


Variable NameDescription 
LOG_PATHDefines path for rdkb logs.
CRON_SPOOLDefines path for Cron spool.
CRON_FIFO_FILEDefines path for Cron fifo file.
TEMP_LOG_PATHPath for storing temporary logs.
UTILITY_PATHPath for rdkb utilities.
RDK_PATHPath for rdkb utilities.
EROUTER_INTERFACEIndicates interface name for erouter.
TELEMETRY_JSON_RESPONSEFile for storing telemetry response.
CLOUDURLDefines server URL.

4) /etc/logFiles.properties  ->Contains component name with specified log file name.

5) /etc/telemetry2_0.properties

Variable NameDescription
T2_0_BINPath for telemetry binary.
T2_0_APPName of telemetry binary.
T2_0_LOGFILEPath for storing telemetry logs.
T2_0_ATOM_LOGFILEPath for storing telemetry atom logs.
DCM_LOG_FILEPath for storing dcm script logs.

Shell Scripts

Script Name Description
StartDCM.shScript for establishing connections with webpa server. 
DCMscript.shScript for telemetry support (T1). 
uploadSTBLogs.shScript for uploading logs to the server.
interfaceCalls.shScript for basic functions execution like reboot, uptime.
commonUtils.shScript for basic linux utilities execution.
logfiles.shScript for defining path and file for storing device logs.
backupLogs.shScript to back up the logs for the device.
bank_image_switch.shScript for firmware upgrade.
deviceInitiatedFWDnld.shScript for firmware upgrade.
imageFlasher.shScript for remote flashing of image.
rpi_sw_install.shScript for firmware upgrade.
rpi_sw_install1.shScript for firmware upgrade.
snmpUtils.shScript for snmp pa support.
rpi_image_Flasher.shScript for firmware upgrade.
swupdate_utility.shRemote swupdate facility script.
dcaSplunkUpload.shScript for T1 support.
dca_utility.shScript for T1 support.
log_timestamp.shScript for displaying time stamp.
disableIpv6Autoconf.shUsed to disable ipv6 with defined interface.
getpartnerid.shFor getting partner id.
disable_systemd_restart_param.shSupport script for disable_systemd_restart_param.service.
handlesnmpv3.shUsed to start snmpd.service .
ocsp-support.shSupport script for ocsp-support.service.
disableUnusedInterfaces.shTo disable unused interfaces.
postwanstatusevent.shFor getting wan status.
startSSH.shSupport script for dropbear service.
utils.shTo get the basic info of router utilities.
core_shell.shFor generating crash/dump logs.
deviceInitiatedFWDnld.shScript for firmware upgrade.
getaccountid.shScript for target specific get account ip.
interfaceCalls.shEnables interface-oriented operations.
run_rm_key.shExecuted to generate the server.pem by using openssl.
corrective_action.shVerifies the running operations the router device like Captive portal.
resource_monitor.shUsed to monitor the tasks and functionality of the router device.

For auto healing of the parameters and tasks.

task_health_monitor.shFor monitoring functionality of the tasks in router.

Sysint-Broadband derived Services

Service description
rfc.serviceFor enabling rfc services (RFC feature support).
dropbear.serviceService for ssh connection-oriented functionality. 
dump-backup.serviceService for process crash. 
ntpd.serviceService for invoking network time.
previous-log-backup.serviceService file for previous log backup.
swupdate.serviceSoftware update-oriented service (firmware upgrade).