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The internal functional entities of the OneWifi process are as shown in the above diagram. OneWifi software architecture is essentially a multi-threaded software architecture, the three main threads are
The software architecture of working of each thread is detailed below.
The diagram below depicts thread management and inter thread communication and data transfer in OneWifi. Threads essentially wait for condition and timeouts. If data needs to be processed, the data is posted into queue and the thread is signaled. The thread retrieves the data from the queue and processes the data.
The core thread waits for events or messages, if there are events or messages in the FIFO queue, the thread retrieves the events or messages one after another and takes appropriate action. Three kinds of messages or events can be enqueued in the Core thread queue
All south bound messages are decoded, parsed and validated by core thread. In case, the messages are successfully validated, the core thread uses Wi-Fi HAL function to configure Wi-Fi driver or baseband accordingly. if successful, core thread is also resonsible for updating the persistent database so that in case of reboot or power failure, the Wi-Fi subsystem of the CPE device maintain previous operating configuration. Core thread also handles Wi-Fi or Factory reset commands that may be triggered by messages enqueued by DML thread or during initialization sequence.
All north bound events are translated to state update in ovddb state tables using WebConfig encoded messages sent by core to ovsdb manager.
All components are intended to schedule most of the actual work through separate dispatch handlers per object entities. This allows easy batching (to debounce and reduce ping-pong), time occupancy (to provide insight into possible stalls, or aid scheduling), forces idempotency (avoids some ab/ba logic issues, provides failure recovery procedures without additional explicit logic) and makes sure memory resource allocation is bound.
OneWifi can operate in two modes, router and extender.
In router mode, the stack broadcasts front haul virtual access points that client devices may connect with. Total of seven such virtual access points are created on each radio and provide different kinds of services.
Core Thread Pseudo Code
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.Radio.2.X_CISCO_COM_ApplySetting bool true
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.Radio.1.X_CISCO_COM_ApplySetting bool true
Any dmcli commands specific to SSID and AccessPoint execute the Below Access Point Related apply settings
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.ApplyAccessPointSettings bool true
Any dmcli executions specific to Radio level use the below Radio apply settings command
dmcli eRT setv Device.WiFi.ApplyRadioSettings bool true
touch /nvram/wifiMgrDbg
touch /nvram/wifiDbDbg
touch /nvram/wifiWebConfigDbg
touch /nvram/wifiHalDbg
touch /nvram/wifiCtrlDbg
touch /nvram/wifiMonDbg
touch /nvram/wifiDMCLI
touch /nvram/wifiLib
touch /nvram/wifiLibhostapDbg
tail -f wifiCtrl &
tail -f wifiHal &
tail -f wifiMgr &
tail -f wifiDMCLI &
tail -f wifiDb &
tail -f wifiWebConfig &
tail -f wifilibhostap &