
I just want to know that which type of data models/ namespace are available under the eCM subsystem like "Device.WiFi." under eRT?



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  1. user-3ffc2

    Hi Unknown User (manikandanr),

    Each component has its own XML file , which will be available under /usr/ccsp/<component> .

    Here for Device.WiFi. , the XML file(TR181-WiFi-USGv2.XML)  is available under /usr/ccsp/wifi.

    This file provides you the details regarding the data models available under Device.WiFi.

    Priyankaa KVB

  2. Unknown User (manikandanr)

    Hi Unknown User (priyankaa.kvb),

    Thanks for the response. It helps and could tell me please, how to know the Ccsp components reside in which subsystems? {e-x, Device.WiFi. falls under eRT subsystem. like wise for eCM subsytem (which is I just want to know (smile) )}



    1. user-3ffc2

      Hi Unknown User (manikandanr),

      The eCM and eRT subsystems will always coexists in a DOCSIS based WAN frontend gateway devicesAny request for eCM parameters will be routed to eCM Message Bus Adapter component which uses SNMP or other protocols to talk to the  cable modem firmware in the backend.

      In Rpi, we have only eRT and in emulator we have simu.

      eCM is applicable only to DOCSIS based devices , which uses SNMP based OIDs.

      Priyankaa KVB

      1. Unknown User (manikandanr)

        Hi Unknown User (priyankaa.kvb),

        Thank you for your response (smile). Understood.

      2. Unknown User (ba.raghuramc)


        Can you pls let me know the where this eCM Message Bus Adapter component  resides in code?

        Any idea which component in code is responsible for communication between ARM and ATOM in Docsis devices. Where can I add the debug prints to look for the communication between the two.

        Thanks for your time.
