Hello admin, 


As far as I know, most communication between MSO Application and Generic RDK components are established through Service Manager(device part) & Http(media ctrl part) components.

I’d like to ask a question about using private method at the interface, the usage is in concordance with the RDK operation policy or not.


For instance, someone edited/added mediastreamer interface with using particular interface method(e.g. private RPC method) for building specific MSO Application,

in that case, the mediastreamer has got 1/2 methods to communicate mso application, and some 3rd-party for mso application might require the changed specification later.


I’m wondering what RDK operation policy about upper case that generic component interface changed.



Jeong-il Choi

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (asingh)

    RDK provides two standard way for the HTML/JS application to access the RDK service as you suggested i.e., service manager and HTML 5 based video support, but it also provides the flexibility and MSOs native application can utilize the mediafrmework library directly using native libraries.

    Once a MSO picks the RDK stack he is the one who will be controlling the modifications and he should ensure that there is no conflict in the usage.