How do we get started creating a HTML application on the RDK platform? I don't see and documentation that addresses this.

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  1. Hi Shaun,

      RDK 2.0 provides the rdk browser which was written over QT Webkit. So you can write your HTML application over that. 




  2. Exactly Ajay. There is a sample browser application called 'fancy' in the QT sources. It shows how to create a simple web browser using QtWebView. There are also a number of links on the internet that show how to do this. This link seems comprehensive:



    Time Warner Cable

  3. I have looked around this wiki for documentation on how to reach the Recorder, TSB and Front Panel services from JavaScript. Are there any concrete html sample pages or documentation on the apis of the various services available through ServiceManager? Will RDK 2.0 still use an on the device web server for RPC? If so, is there any docs on what is available through http based RPC?

    I have seen mentioning of a stand alone application (training workshop slides), is it available?

    I understand that the video tag is used for playback and playback control, and I have found html samples on the following services:

    • systemService 
    • homeNetworkingService
    • deviceSettingService

    1. I have not found html samples on the following services (systemService, homeNetworkingService, deviceSettingService). Please send me link, Thx.

  4. I would like to second the question on JavaScript API's. There does not seem to be documentation on how to reach from the browser several of the components in RDK. It would be very beneficial for developers to have a standard method for creating web applications that make use of the RDK features.


  5. Hi Thomas,

      In RDK 2.0 scheduler is not part of RDK distribution. It is assumed there will be a MSO specific scheduler module (in cloud or inside the box) which suppose to control the recorder module.

    So in short in RDK 2.0 right now there is no direct way to control (schedule/delete/list) the recording from browser. You can only play it using HTML5 video tag.