
Are the JIRA email notifications working? I've added several team members to a JIRA, but I am the only one that gets notified when the JIRA is updated. If I can add other team members to a JIRA for email notification what is the best way to do this?

John Haberfellner


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  1. JIRA automatically sends out email notifications to the REPORTER and to the ASSIGNEE each time there is an update to a JIRA ticket  If there are some tickets that you want to share with others, you can "share" the ticket with them (upper right hand corner of Issue Ticket screen), or they can add themselves as a "watcher" 

    Email me at support@rdkcentral.com with a specific JIRA ticket (issue) number and who is NOT getting notified through the email, and I will fix this problem for you 

    Please accept our apologies for the delay in our response