With the instruction of [Archived] RPI 4B Model Reference Platform with 64bit Arch, the build is successful.

But we meet two problems with:

  1. Wifi is disabled after power on raspberry pi 4.

Is this a known issue?

  1. 2. usb-ethernet doesn't work.

There is no ethernet interface created after I connect the pc to raspberry pi 4 with usb-ethernet adapt.

Is there any issue with the usb-ethernet driver in this build?

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  1. user-3ffc2

    Hi Unknown User (jianchun.zhu) ,

    Could you please clarify more on " Wifi is disabled after power on raspberry pi 4." . - Do you mean SSID broadcast is not happening ?  Can you share the output of ps command and wifi log from your device 
    NOTE : Image attached is broken . Could not view it 

    Can you also try the same with below build instructions

    mkdir <workspace dir>
    cd <workspace dir>
    repo init -u https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/rdkcmf/manifests -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q2-dunfell 
    repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags 
    MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment 
    bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image

    Priyankaa KVB

    1. Actually, we use the  2022q1 in Raspberry 4B , not the latest 2022q2. 

      repo init -u https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/rdkcmf/manifests -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell  

      WiFi interface  "wlan0" is created successfully from "ifconfig interface", and WIFI is working well as Clients could connect to it.

      But the following issues are seen:

       1),    WIFI is not OK on the web page.  SSID cannot be editted with grey color. 

        2), DML debug command cannot work.  "dmcli eRT getv Device.WiFi.Radio." return error messages which says  "Can not find destination component"  .

      Looks like the WiFI module is not registered well in CR, and so the messages cannot be shared or informed to other modules. 

      In addition, all these issues do NOT exist in 32 bit build for 2022q1.  

    2. Hi Priyankaa,

      We followed the steps you mentioned above, and try it again.

      Both issues are still there in this repo: rdkb-2022q2-dunfell + 64bit + RPI 4. 

      We could see that the CR is always not ready form the CRlog.txt due to "ReadyCheck waiting on com.cisco.spvtg.sscp.wifi"


  2. Yes, no SSID broadcast. And the wifi page is grey on the web.

    text fileWiFilog.txt.0

    1. user-3ffc2

      Hi Unknown User (qiting.a.xu) , Unknown User (jianchun.zhu) ,

      Please find the below observations for wifi 

      • With rdkb-2022q1-dunfell, wifi is coming up and dmcli are working only if we connect dongle . Please check the results below 

        root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.WiFi.SSID.1.SSID Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.1.Security.KeyPassphrase
        CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
        subsystem_prefix eRT.
        getv from/to component(eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.wifi): Device.WiFi.SSID.1.SSID
        Execution succeed.
        Parameter    1 name: Device.WiFi.SSID.1.SSID
                       type:     string,    value: RPi3_RDKB-AP0 
        Parameter    2 name: Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.1.Security.KeyPassphrase
                       type:     string,    value: rdk@1234 
        root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.WiFi.SSID.2.SSID Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.2.Security.KeyPassphrase
        CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
        subsystem_prefix eRT.
        getv from/to component(eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.wifi): Device.WiFi.SSID.2.SSID
        Execution succeed.
        Parameter    1 name: Device.WiFi.SSID.2.SSID
                       type:     string,    value: RPi3_RDKB-AP1 
        Parameter    2 name: Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.2.Security.KeyPassphrase
                       type:     string,    value: rdk@1234 
        root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# cat /version.txt 
        BUILD_TIME="2022-07-25 13:53:14"
        Generated on Mon Jul 25  13:53:14 UTC 2022
        root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# ps | grep -ir "Ccsp"
          235 root      0:02 /usr/sbin/snmpd -f -C -c /usr/ccsp/snmp/snmpd.conf -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs -Le
          363 non-root  0:00 /usr/bin/CcspCrSsp -subsys eRT.
         1330 root      0:01 /usr/bin/CcspPandMSsp -subsys eRT.
         1700 root      0:00 /usr/bin/CcspTandDSsp -subsys eRT.
         1711 non-root  0:00 /usr/bin/CcspEthAgent -subsys eRT.
         1744 root      0:03 /usr/bin/CcspWifiSsp -subsys eRT.
         1772 non-root  0:01 /usr/bin/CcspTr069PaSsp -subsys eRT.
         1785 root      0:00 /usr/bin/CcspAdvSecuritySsp -subsys eRT.
         1789 root      0:00 /usr/bin/CcspXdnsSsp -subsys eRT.
         1815 non-root  0:00 /usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys eRT.
         1895 root      0:00 {self_heal_conne} /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/self_heal_connectivity_test.sh
         1908 root      0:00 {resource_monito} /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/resource_monitor.sh
        24187 root      0:00 grep -ir Ccsp
      • With rdkb-2022q2-dunfell , wifi comes up fine without dongle

      Could you please connect dongle for 2022q1 release and check the wifi behavior 

      Priyankaa KVB