The Automatics Automation Framework had already been implemented for use in a specific vendor environment. It's now open to the public and can be used in any testing environment.

Automatics core, the framework that manages the test execution, interact with Partner infrastructure via Partner components.

Automatics Components

  • Automatics Orchestration  - Provides UI Interface to configure test script details, trigger test executions, view test results, configure CI rules etc
  • Automatics Properties - Provides UI Interface to configure device data and test related configurations.
  • Automatics Core - Framework that manages execution of test scripts. The execution happens within Jenkins.
  • Generic Utils - Holds utility APIs for tests.
  • Generic Tests - Holds test scripts.
  • Device Manager- Provides devices required for test execution.

Partner Components

  • Partner Implementation Rest API - Provides REST based implementation of Partner APIs
  • Partner Java API - Provides Java API based implementation of Partner APIs
  • CI Portal - Partner CI Portal that sends build verification requests to Automatics. It accepts the request and performs build verification and sends result back to CI portal.

Following diagram shows interaction of Automatics components and Partner components in a deployed environment

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