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CDRouter is a comprehensive test tool for Cable/DSL/SOHO/Edge and wireless routers and other similar IP devices. The test suite contains several types of tests including functional, conformance, negative, denial of service, and scaling. CDRouter test suite simulates a networking environment by creating LAN clients, providing an ISP connection to the device under test, and exercising different protocol and traffic flows. CDRouter can create IP hosts and services that appear to be operating out in the Internet.
Previously, we utilized the CDRouter UI to trigger CDRouter test executions and review CDRouter execution results. However, after the integration of CDRouter into Automatics, we now have the capability to execute all 1.0 ,3.0 test cases and CDRouter test cases exclusively through Automatics.
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Hello ,
boardfarm framework integreated in Automatics ?
Radhika Sudhakaran
Boardfarm framework is not integrated in Automatics
Thanks Radhika ,
For router products, what are the differences between Automatics and boardfarm in terms of automated testing, and what functions does Automatics mainly test?