
This project contains the generic test cases which will be executed by Automatics. This is mainly for ensuring the Automatics Framework installation is working fine, as it exercises different functionalities provided by Automatics Core. The automation id and manual id in automated tests should be matching with the automation Id and manual Id present in Automatics orchestration. During test execution, the execution status of each test step will be updated to Automatics orchestration. And, at the end final execution status will be updated to Automatics.

Software Requirement

  • JDK 1.8

Following page provides the details steps to setup Java 1.8 on linux.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#JDK1.8 

  • Maven 3

Following page provides the details steps on setup Maven 3 on linux.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#Maven3


Configure Automatics Generic Core Tests


Please follow below steps to configure test case TC-QUICK-DUMMY-ALL-MODELS in Automatics.

1. Configure Test Case

    1. In Automatics Orchestration, configure the test ‘TC-QUICK-DUMMY-ALL-MODELS’ under test type ‘QUICK’ via Manage Script page. This is a dummy quick test that always returns success. This test case is part of generic-core-tests and will help us to validate Automatics setup. 
    2. Download the script file Script_Details_TC-QUICK-DUMMY-ALL-MODELS_v1.0.xls to your machine.
    3. Open the excel in edit mode and update the column 'RUN ON MODELS' for each test script with the device model name configured in Orchestration.
    4. Import the updated test script to Orchestration following details available at Automatics Orchestration ImportTestScriptandSteps

2. Execute Test Case

    1. To execute test from Orchestration please follow the steps in, Automatics Orchestration User Manual#TriggerTestExecution

2. View Execution Results

    1. To view the test execution results, please follow, Automatics Orchestration User Manual#ExecutionResults

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Where can we find the value for the "Build name" field (Always getting an error!!!)?
    Can someone explain from where "Automatics" is verifying it?
