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Release Notes
RDKM Coverage Test cases (RDK-B)
Version: 5.0
16 March 2022
Revision History
Release No. | Date | Revision Description |
1.0 | 02 Nov 2021 | |
2.0 | 08 Dec 2021 | 2nd Release |
3.0 | 12 Jan 2022 | 3rd Release |
4.0 | 16 Feb 2022 | 4th Release |
5.0 | 16 Mar 2022 | 5th Release |
This Release Notes document details on the delivery of 60 RDKB test cases for RDK Community. Features covered in this release are
Following are the Test cases delivered in this release:
No | Test case ID | Cadence/Test Type | Steps | Description |
1 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1000 | PERFORMANCE | 5 | Find out the successful Wi-Fi connectivity rate of 2.4GHz radio band with 10 times in Wireless Gateway |
2 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1001 | PERFORMANCE | 5 | Find out the successful Wi-Fi connectivity rate of 5GHz radio band with 10 times in Wireless Gateway |
3 | TC-RDKB-NTP-0003 | 4HOUR | 8 | Synchronize System Time with NTP Server |
4 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5003 | 2DAYS | 7 | Verify Webpa Notifications on Firmware Upgrade |
5 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-DIBBLER-1001 | 2DAYS | 2 | To check the dibbler version |
6 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1010 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 3 | Test to verify resolv.conf file system layout validation and DNS value |
7 | TC-RDKB-DROPBEAR-1102 | 4HOUR | 14 | Test class to Verify whether security keys related to SCP present in the device or not |
8 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5020 | 4HOUR | 4 | Test to verify the default number of allowed clients for PublicWiFi Secure and open SSID using WebPA. |
9 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1023 | 2DAYS | 9 | Test to verify that the SNMP set/get can be performed successfully using valid MTA community string |
10 | TC-RDKB-MTA-1001 | 2DAYS | 3 | Test to reset MTA of the device |
11 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1005 | 4HOUR | 17 | Verify ECM Firmware Upgrade and Factory Reset OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs |
12 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1006 | 1HOUR | 9 | Test to verify Default SSID and Password after Factory Resetting Router through WebPA |
13 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1007 | 1HOUR | 6 | Verify Default SSID and Password after Factory Resetting WiFi through WebPA object |
14 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1012 | 2DAYS | 12 | Verify device provides notification via WebPA to indicate that reboot is about to occur after firmware upgrade and adds delay to the reboot |
15 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4005 | 4HOUR | 8 | Test to verify self heal diagnostic mode test scenarios using WebPA parameter |
16 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-IPSET-1008 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 17 | Verify upgrade ipset to v.6.34 |
17 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-NEG-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 22 | Validate that SSH, telnet to LAN geteway IP from connected clients is not successful |
18 | TC-RDKB-DROPBEAR-1103 | 4HOUR | 14 | Test class to Verify whether security keys related to SCP present in the device or not in ATOM side |
19 | TC-RDKB-EXEC-FILE-CHK-1001 | 2DAYS | 10 | Verify whether user is able to run user or manual script even after giving 777 permission |
20 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5053 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 10 | Verify the reduction in power level of 2.4GHz WiFi Access Point does not impact the non-management frames. |
21 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5054 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 10 | Verify the reduction in power level of 5GHz WiFi Access Point does not impact the non-management frames. |
22 | TC-RDKB-SNMPV3-1001 | 4HOUR | 19 | Test to verify snmpv3 migration |
23 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1006 | 4HOUR | 16 | Verify ECM Docs DevSw Admin Status OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs |
24 | TC-RDKB-AUTOREBOOT-1000 | 4HOUR | 12 | Test to verify the default parameter values of Auto reboot |
25 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5014 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 15 | This test case is to Verify the controlled user access (Allow) for 5GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
26 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_RADIO-1002 | 2DAYS | 7 | Ability to disable WiFi Radio through WEBPA |
27 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5011 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 14 | This test case is to verify the controlled user access (Allow All) to the Specific Device for 2.4 and 5 GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
28 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-5005 | 2DAYS | 8 | Test to Verify RDKB devices patches kernel - after reboot |
29 | TC-RDKB-THERMAL_FAN-1000 | NEW_FEATURE | 11 | Device shall have the ability to retrieve the fan diagnostics via WebPA |
30 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5021 | 4HOUR | 8 | Test to verify number of allowed clients for Public Secure and open SSID can be writable using WebPA/TR69 and changes are logged in WebPA/TR69 log file |
31 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify the ability to change mode from a/n/ac to ac only, a/n/ac to n only, a-n-ac to n-ac only radio on the 5 GHz radio |
32 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 11 | Verify LAN - WAN traffic is successful when Firewall is configured to 'Custom Security' |
33 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5012 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 15 | Verify the controlled user access (Allow) to the specific Devices for 2.4 GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MACc ACLs |
34 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1007 | 4HOUR | 24 | This method verifies whether WiFi objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 |
35 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4004 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 15 | Test to verify diagnostic mode test scenarios |
36 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1010 | 4HOUR | 5 | This method verifies Advanced Management server parameters |
37 | TC-RDKB-TR69-2001 | 4HOUR | 5 | Verify ACS related TR-69 functionality |
38 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CLIENT-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 13 | Test to verify WiFi client connect disconnect events |
39 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-SWITCH-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify common DHCPv4 code functionality |
40 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2GHZ-DHCP-IPV4-DSBLE-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 5 | Verify the IP range in 2.4GHZ WiFi connected client when DHCP Server disabled. |
41 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1000 | 2DAYS | 10 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build generated from same device class |
42 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1001 | 4HOUR | 10 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build generated from different device class |
43 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1002 | 4HOUR | 10 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build which is partially downloaded or having CRC error |
44 | TC-RDKB-IPV4-CHECK-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 7 | Verify DNS Address persist to the Wi-Fi & Ethernet client after reboot and ethernet client gets IP within acceptable time of 5 mins |
45 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1004 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 25 | Verify the functionality of LAN client after CM reboot in bridge mode |
46 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5GHZ-DHCP-IPV4-DSBLE-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 5 | Verify the IP range in 5GHZ WiFi connected client when DHCP Server disabled. |
47 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1009 | 4HOUR | 10 | Verifies whether WiFi objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 |
48 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-KEY-PHARSE-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 14 | Verify 2.4 GHz SSID is enabled |
49 | TC-RDKB-2GHZ-DNS-NSLOOKUP-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 5 | Verifying the alternate DNS nslookup functionality for 2.4GHz |
50 | TC-RDKB-5GHZ-DNS-NSLOOKUP-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 5 | Verifying the alternate DNS nslookup functionality for 5 GHz |
51 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 6 | Test case is created to check the ability to change mode from g-n to n-only mode on the 2.4 GHz radio |
52 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1011 | 2DAYS | 20 | Verify firmware download event notifications with Manageable notification feature enabled |
53 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-KEY-PHARSE-5002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 14 | Verify that the passphrase key of WIFI access point can be updated for 5 Ghz |
54 | TC-RDKB-BUSYBOX-UTILITY-1001 | 4HOUR | 7 | Validate Busybox utility tar |
55 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4005 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 16 | Verify Security Mode for WiFi access bands (2.4 and 5 GHz) |
56 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-POSSIBLE-CHANNELS-1001 | 4HOUR | 4 | Verify that WIFI radio does not support channel number other than the possible channels defined |
57 | TC-RDKB-ALTN-DNS-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 16 | Verify Alternate DNS in WiFi and Lan Connected clients |
58 | TC-RDKB-NMI_REBOOT-1001 | NEW_FEATURE | 16 | Verify NMI mtdoops& SRAM support for BCM ARM processors to capture system state during watchdog reset |
59 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESERVED-IP-1003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 8 | Verify the Reserved IP for clients for Ethernet client |
60 | TC-RDKB-BUSYBOX_UTILITY-1003 | 4HOUR | 6 | Verify the installed busy box utilities on CM side |
RDKB Generic Test Utils : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-test-utils
RDKB Generic Tests : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-tests
Branch: rdk-next
Reference RTAUTO : https://jira.rdkcentral.com/jira/browse/AUTOMATICS-57
Reference Documentation : https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/display/ASP/Automatics+Orchestration+User+Manual
Developer instructions : Automatics Providers List
Test Case Configurations: Automatics RDK-B Test Property configuration