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Release Notes
RDKM Coverage Test cases (RDK-B)
Version: 6.0
13 April 2022
Revision History
Release No. | Date | Revision Description |
1.0 | 02 Nov 2021 | |
2.0 | 08 Dec 2021 | 2nd Release |
3.0 | 12 Jan 2022 | 3rd Release |
4.0 | 16 Feb 2022 | 4th Release |
5.0 | 16 Mar 2022 | 5th Release |
6.0 | 13 Apr 2022 | 6th Release |
This Release Notes document details on the delivery of 50 RDKB test cases for RDK Community. Features covered in this release are
Following are the Test cases delivered in this release:
No | Test case ID | Cadence/Test Type | Steps | Description |
1 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGEMODE-REVERSE-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify Reverse SSH Connection on bridge mode |
2 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RADIO-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 25 | Verify that Wi-Fi connectivity of 2.4GHz frequency is not affected when 5GHz frequency Radio is disabled |
3 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1000 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 10 | To enable XDNS feature and Verify status after Reboot and Factory Reset the device |
4 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-CLIENTS-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Test to verify DCHP range assigning of cable modem with connected clients |
5 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SITE-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 19 | Test to Verify the internet access to the sites and keywords added to manages sites are blocked for a specific day and time period in Wi-Fi and LAN clients |
6 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1004 | 2DAYS | 12 | Verify TR-181 message-bus as new data source for telemetry |
7 | TC-RDKB-STATIC-IP-1000 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 14 | Configure Static IPv4 through CLI for business device |
8 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1004 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 10 | Validate CPU & Memory usage for Maximum Tx&Rx rate |
9 | TC-RDKB-RM-MODULE-1002 | 4HOUR | 19 | Verify removal of SoundKernel, mtp-tools, libsven |
10 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1008 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 13 | Verify enhanced Wi-Fi logging in Telemetry for 2.4ghz public Wi-Fi parameters |
11 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1009 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 13 | Verify enhanced Wi-Fi logging in Telemetry for 5ghz Public Wi-Fi parameters |
12 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-IP-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 30 | Verify that when WIFI Radio is disabled in CM, wireless CPE should not get an ip address |
13 | TC-RDKB-RM-MODULE-1001 | 4HOUR | 10 | Verify removal of SoundKernel, mtp-tools, libsven |
14 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1008 | 4HOUR | 24 | Verifies whether Wi-Fi SSID objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 |
15 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRYENDPOINT-2250 | 2DAYS | 10 | Test to verify Use new telemetry endpoint |
16 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHNL-CONFIG-5073 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 18 | Verify Client Connectivity to 5GHz bands with Channel Selection Mode is Manual |
17 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1020 | 4HOUR | 12 | Test to validate device IP objects against TR69 specifications |
18 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 30 | Test script to validate basic Wi-Fi parameters on router mode transition |
19 | TC-RDKB-ONBOARDING-1000 | 2DAYS | 11 | Verify CPE on-boarding process logging in the already onboarded device |
20 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1104 | 2 | Test to verify Shell Shock Vulnerability | |
21 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-CC-1006 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Test to verify telemetry Logging for Wi-Fi Connected devices |
22 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TRANS-1000 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 4 | Test to verify data transmission between 2 connected(LAN-WLAN;WLAN to LAN) clients |
23 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1021 | 4HOUR | 66 | Test to validate Device interface objects as per TR69 specifications |
24 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1023 | 2DAYS | 5 | Test to verify ssh banners from sshbanner.txt file and command execution |
25 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1014 | 4HOUR | 16 | Test to validate TR69 Wi-Fi radio stats objects as per TR69 specifications |
26 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1012 | 4HOUR | 46 | Validate TR69 Radio objects(General) |
27 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1018 | 4HOUR | 34 | Test to validate the TR69 Wi-Fi SSID objects against TR69 specifications |
28 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHNL-CONFIG-5072 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 20 | Verify Client Connectivity to 2.4GHz bands with Channel Selection Mode is Manual |
29 | TC-RDKB-CERTS-1001 | 2DAYS | 14 | To verify CA Bundle |
30 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1013 | 4HOUR | 60 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) |
31 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1019 | 4HOUR | 32 | Validate TR69 WIFI Access Point objects |
32 | TC-RDKB-TR69-RBT-1002 | 4HOUR | 7 | RDK B Reboot Validation tests using TR69/ACS |
33 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-CC-1005 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Test to verify telemetry Logging for Ethernet Connected devices |
34 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1005 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 11 | Verify enhanced Wi-Fi logging in Telemetry for 5ghz private Wi-Fi parameters |
35 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify the Ping operation is successful between 2.4 GHz and Ethernet clients |
36 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify the Ping operation is successful between 5 GHz and Ethernet clients |
37 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-IE-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 8 | Test to verify Wi-Fi Interworking Information Element |
38 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1016 | 2DAYS | 34 | Send WebPA Sync Notification when selected data model parameters are changed |
39 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1023 | 4HOUR | 34 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) |
40 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-5062 | 2DAYS | 29 | Test case is created as part of Configuration of Wi-Fi Tx Rate for 2.4GHz Radio and 5Ghz Radio |
41 | TC-RDKB-SESHAT-5001 | 2DAYS | 7 | Test case is to verify the seshat service registration and component discovery distro - disabled scenario |
42 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1005 | 4HOUR | 18 | This method verifies the expected TR69 functionality with default values, changed values and after reboot values of Device Management Server Passwords |
43 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 16 | Test to verify the port forwarding and DMZ feature is working when firewall is configured to Maximum Security |
44 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 5 | To apply and verify XDNS override at gateway level |
45 | TC-RDKB-TR69-ETHNT-INTFC-1001 | 2DAYS | 15 | Validate ethernet interface entries using Tr69 |
46 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 15 | To apply and Verify XDNS override of Primary Level 1 ,2 and 3 IPv4 and IPv6 DNS server IPs for connected client |
47 | TC-RDKB-WIFISSID-2003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Test case is to validate the failure authentication attempts |
48 | TC-RDKB-REVSSH-1001 | 1HOUR | 9 | Verify Reverse SSH connection |
49 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1004 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 25 | Apply and Verify XDNS ,override with different cases of Invalid values of MAC and DNS IPs |
50 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CONFIG-CC-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 22 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio 802.11n client with security mode open |
RDKB Generic Test Utils : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-test-utils
RDKB Generic Tests : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-tests
Branch: rdk-next
Reference RTAUTO : https://jira.rdkcentral.com/jira/browse/AUTOMATICS-66
Reference Documentation : https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/display/ASP/Automatics+Orchestration+User+Manual
Developer instructions : Automatics Providers List
Test Case Configurations: Automatics RDK-B Test Property configuration