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No | Description | Configuration | Test case | Remarks |
1 | Property to fetch the default reporting buffer configuration | rfc.payload.aamp.config | TC-REPORTBUFFER-1001 | Default reporting buffer configuration |
2 | Property to record UI verification status | rack.uicheck.enabled | TC-WEBKIT-BROWSER-DESTROY-1 | Value is false if UI verification disabled |
3 | Property to avmonitor status | rack.avmonitor.enabled | TC-AAC-PLAYBACK-1 | Value is false if avmonitor disabled |
4 | Property to fetch VIMEO app url | metroAppVIMEOUrl | TC-VIMEO-APP-LAUNCH-1 | Value should be url for VIMEO app |
5 | Property to fetch required service | service | TC-VIMEO-APP-LAUNCH-1,TC-SWITCH-APP-1000 | Value should be RDKShellService to execute RDKShellService apis |
6 | Property to fetch payload to enable XDIAL feature | rfc.payload.config.xdial | TC-THUNDER-DIAL-1001 | Property key which contains payload data to enable XDIAL feature eg : {"estbMacAddress":"ESTB_MAC_ADDRESS","features":[{"name":"XDIAL","effectiveImmediate":true,"enable":true,"configData":{"tr181.Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.XDial.Enable":"<FEATURE_STATUS>"}}]} |
7 | Property to fetch payload to enable/disable RdkNotification feature | rfc.enable.disable.rdkNotification.feature | TC-THUNDER-RDKNOTIFN-1001 | Property key which contains payload data to enable RdkNotification feature eg : {"estbMacAddress":"ESTB_MAC_ADDRESS","features":[{"name":"RDK_NOTIFICATIONS","effectiveImmediate":true,"enable":true,"configData":{"tr181.Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Power.UserInactivityNotification.Enable": "<FEATURE_STATUS>"}},{"name":"RDK_NOTIFICATIONS1","effectiveImmediate":true,"enable":true,"configData":{"tr181.Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Power.UserInactivityNotification.TimeMinutes": "<FEATURE_VALUE>"}}]} |
8 | Property to fetch expected response of parameter Device.DeviceInfo.Description | device.description | TC-WEBPA-3011 | Value should be String(eg : response of 'tr181 Device.DeviceInfo.Description') |
9 | Property key to fetch curl version | curl.version | TC-SYSTEM-3049 | Value shoule be the 'Curl version' |
10 | Property key to fetch nghttpd version version | nghttpd.version | Value shoule be the 'nghttpd version' | |
11 | Property key to fetch harfbuzz package version version | harfbuzz.version | Value shoule be the 'harfbuzz version' | |
12 | Property key to fetch freetype package version version | freetype.version | Value shoule be the 'freetype version' | |
13 | Property key to fetch libicu package version version | libicu.version | Value shoule be the 'libicu version' | |
14 | Property key to fetch libnl package version version | libnl.version | Value shoule be the 'libnl package version' | |
15 | Property key to fetch journal files memory consumption | system.journal.files.memory.consumption | TC-SYSTEM-1113 | Value should be the 'memory consumption' eg : 4.0M |
16 | Property key to fetch dnsmasq version | dnsmasq.version | TC-SYSTEM-3040 | Value should be dnsmasq version |
17 | XCONF parameters to be configured | xconf.image.tobeloaded.manufacturer_model xconf.server.url xconf.firmware.location | TC-XDCDL-1008 | xconf.image.tobeloaded.manufacturer_model : Image to be loaded xconf.server.url : XCONF Server URL xconf.firmware.location : CDL Server URL |
18 | Property keys to fetch mp4 play back URL and RdkShellService | mp4.playback.url service | TC-AV-2001 TC-AV-2002 TC-AV-1001 | mp4.playback.url : Playback URL service : Value should be RdkShellService |
19 | Props key to fetch the BootTime latency iteration count | boottime.latency.iteration.count | TC-BOOTUPTIME-4002 | Value should be a number that represent the boottime count |
20 | Property key to fetch Shorthand app launch URL. | shorthandurl | TC-LIGHTNING_SHORTHAND-1014 | Value should be URL |
21 | Property key to fetch custom app launch URL. | customurl | TC-LIGHTNING_CUSTOM-1011 | Value should be URL |
22 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [children app] launch URL. | childrenurl | TC-LIGHTNING_CHILDREN-1009 | Value should be URL |
23 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [rectangle] app launch URL. | rectangleurl | TC-LIGHTNING_RECTANGLE-1010 | Value should be URL |
24 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [canvas] app launch URL. | canvasurl | TC-LIGHTNING_CANVAS-1013 | Value should be URL |
25 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [signal] launch URL. | signalurl | TC-LIGHTNING_SIGNAL-1012 | Value should be URL |
26 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [fire] launch URL. | fireurl | TC-LIGHTNING_FIRE-1015 | Value should be URL |
27 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [cornerblocks] launch URL. | cornerblocksurl | TC-LIGHTNING_CORNER_BLOCKS-1002 | Value should be URL |
28 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [Shorthand] launch URL. | imageurl | TC-LIGHTNING_IMAGE-1006 | Value should be URL |
29 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [positioning] launch URL. | imageurl | TC-LIGHTNING_POSITIONING-1008 | Value should be URL |
30 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [animation] launch URL. | animationurl | TC-LIGHTNING_ANIMATION-1012 | Value should be URL |
31 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [stress] app launch URL. | stressurl | TC-LIGHTNING_STRESS-1016 | Value should be URL |
32 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [transitionAttribute] launch URL. | transattributeurl | TC-LIGHTNING_TRANSATTRIBUTE-1001 | Value should be URL |
33 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [Transform] launch URL. | transformurl | TC-LIGHTNING_TRANSFORM-1001 | Value should be URL |
34 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [tansitionEvent] launch URL. | transitionurl | TC-LIGHTNING_TRANSITION-1005 | Value should be URL |
35 | Property key to fetch Lightning app [patch] launch URL. | patchurl | TC-LIGHTNING_PATCH-1007 | Value should be URL |
37 | The property key for the bash vulnerability file | bash.vulnerability.file | TC-SYSTEM-1030 | Value should be the Shellshock vulnerabality check file name |
38 | Property to fetch payload to configure manageableNotification | rfc.payload.config.manageableNotification | TC-WEBPA-1012 | Property key which contains payload data to configure manageableNotification |
39 | Proprty to fetch rdkcentral trlemetry upload url | telemetry.upload.url.rdkcentral | TC-TLMTRY-3018 TC-TLMTRY-3022 TC-TELEMETRY_CRASH-1003 | Value should be URL |
40 | Property key to fetch a list of valid reboot reason | device.rdkv.valid.reboot.reasons | TC-IMAGE-UPGRADE-FIRMWARE-1 | Value should be the list of valid reboot reason |
41 | Property key to fetch list of must-have processes | must.have.process.list_Model | Value should be the list of must have processes | |
42 | Property key to fetching process having possible and multiple instances | must.have.process.list.with.multiple.instances_Model | Value should be the list of processes having possible and multiple instances | |
43 | Property key to fetch timezone files for provider | america.timezone.files.<provider> | Value should be the list of timezone files that are present under /usr/share/zoneinfo/America | |
44 | Property key to Telemetry log upload URL | telemetry.upload.url.rdkcentral | TC-TLMTRY-3021 | Value should be URL |
45 | Property key to fetch the if rack avmonitor enabled or not | rack.avmonitor.enabled | TC-SCREEN-RESOLUTION-GENERIC-1000 TC-SCREEN-RESOLUTION-GENERIC-1001 | The value should be true or false |
46 | Property key to fetch list of supported screen resolutions of the Model | screen.resolutions.list__model | TC-SCREEN-RESOLUTION-GENERIC-1001 | The value should be supported screen resolutions eg : screen.resolutions.list__<model name>=480p,480i,576p50,720p50,720p60,1080i50,1080i60,1080p50,1080p60,2160p24,2160p25,2160p30,2160p50,2160p60 |
47 | Property key to fetch the TR-181 parameter to get the latest RFC config change time | rfc.control.changetime | TC-RFC-3020 | Value should be config change time parameter |
48 | Property key to read the tr181 parameter to enable/disable autoexcluded firmware update feature | rfc.feature.fwupdate.enable | Value should be the parameter to enable/disable autoexcluded firmware update feature | |
49 | Property key to read the tr181 parameter to configure xconf server url for autoexcluded fwupdate | rfc.feature.fwupdate.url | Value should be xconf server url for autoexcluded fwupdate parameter | |
50 | Property key to get the put command to update RFC parameter | rfc.generic.tr181.params | Value should be put command to update RFC parameter | |
51 | Property key to get the put command to enable RFC parameter Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.XDial.Enable | xconf.rfc.putcmd.xdial | TC-RFC-3017 | Value should be put command to enable RFC parameter Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.XDial.Enable through XCOF |
52 | Property key to get the put command to update RFC parameters Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.AccountInfo.AccountID to dummy value eg : abc123, enable or disable Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.AudioOutput.1.CancelMute, and Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Version | xconf.rfc.tr181params | TC-RFC-3010 TC-RFC-3012 | Value should be put command to enable RFC parameters Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.AccountInfo.AccountID to dummy value eg : abc123, enable or disable Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.AudioOutput.1.CancelMute, and Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Version |
53 | Property key to fetch the DM newNTP.Enable | Device.DeviceInfo.newNTP.Enable | TC-RFC-3010 | Value should be DM for Device.DeviceInfo.newNTP.Enable |
54 | Property key to fetch Prod XCONF update URL | prod.xconf.rfc.update.url | TC-RFC-3002 | Value should be Prod XCONF update URL |
55 | Property key to fetch an invalid URL for Prod XCONF negative testing | prod.xconf.rfc.url.invalid | Value should be invalid XCONF URL | |
56 | Property key to fetch Prod XCONF URL | prod.xconf.url | Value should be PROD XCONF URL | |
57 | Property key to fetch Put command to configure RFC param through XCONF. | xconf.rfc.putcmd | TC-RFC-3010 TC-TELEMETRY-2020 | Value should be generic Put command to configure RFC param through XCONF. Need to replace param and value. |
58 | Property key to fetch command to get the list of thunder plugins from device using Controller service API | command.controller.service.api | TC-THUNDER-GAP-ANALYSIS-1000 | Value should be command to get the list of thunder plugins from device using Controller service API Eg : curl -sb -H 'Accept: application/json' |
59 | Property key to fetch newNTP Enable parameter | Device.DeviceInfo.newNTP.Enable | TC-RFC-3010 | Value should be the parameter to enable newNTP (Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.newNTP.Enable) |
60 | Property key to fetch Xumo URL | XumoUrl | TC-XUMO-APP-LAUNCH-1 | Value should be Xumo URL |
61 | Property key to fetch Movie DB URL | movieDbUrl | TC-MovieDB-APP-LAUNCH-1000 | Value should be Movie DB URL |
62 | Property key to fetch Fracer App URL | fracerAppUrl | TC-Fracer-APP-LAUNCH-1000 | Value should be Fracer URL |
63 | Property key to fetch Strike App URL | strikeAppUrl | TC-Strike-APP-LAUNCH-1000 | Value should be Strike URL |
64 | Property key to fetch screensaver MP4 file | Screensaver.file | TC-SCREENSAVER-UI-1001 | Value should be mp4 file |
65 | Property to fetch Image to be loaded with invalid box model | xconf.image.tobeloaded.Invalid.Boxmodel | TC-NEGATIVECDL-1001 | Example Adding rpi box model with Amlogic image for flashing in Amlogic device |
66 | Property key to fetch Lightning app rendering URL | lightningAppRendering | TC-LIGHTNING-RENDERING-1003 | Value should be Lightning app rendering url |
No | Description | Configuration | 3.0 Test case | Remarks |
1 | Property to fetch the rbuscli command that is used to set profile | rbuscli.setprofile.telemetry | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY-V2-RDKV-024 | The value should be the rbuscli command to create/set profile |
2 | Property to fetch the telemetry url and rbuscli command that is used to set profile | telemetry.upload.url.rdkcentral,rbuscli.rdkv.setvalue.t2reportprofile1 | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY_NWCONNECT-1001 | Telemetry upload ur, rbuscli command ommand to create/set profile |
3 | Property to fetch xconf details | prod.xconf.codedownload.url,xconf.server.url.config,xconf.firmware.id.rdkva_amlogic,rdkv.amlogic.versiontocdl,rdkv.amlogic.filenametocdl,rdkv.amlogic.expectedversion | 3DOTO-TC-CDL-INVALIDBUILD-1000,3DOTO-TC-CDL-REBOOT-1000,3DOTO-TC-CDL-REBOOTIMMEDTRUE-1000,3DOTO-TC-EXCLUDECDL-1000 | The value should be xconf url ,image to be upgraded ,version,id,expected build |
4 | Property to fetch rbuscli profile data for a specific event | set_t2_report_profile_with_TelemetryEvent | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY-EVENT-1000 | value should be rbuscli set command where event marker should be mentioned |
5 | Property to fetch rbuscli profile data for a process and verify after removing the marker for that process alone | set_t2_report_profile_for_process,set_t2_report_profile_for_removed_process | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY-V2-1030 | value should be rbuscli set command where grep log and marker should be mentioned |
6 | Property to fetch rbuscli multi profile | telemetry.multiprofile | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY-V2-1001 | value should be rbuscli set command where grep log and marker should be removed and keep grep log and marker for different data |
7 | Property to fetch xconf details | prod.xconf.codedownload.url,xconf.server.url.config,xconf.firmware.id.rdkva_realtek,rdkv.realtek.versiontocdl,rdkv.realtek.filenametocdl,rdkv.realtek.expectedversion | 3DOT0_TC_RDKE-WEBPA-CDL 3DOT0_TC_RDKE_STANDBY_XCDL | The value should be xconf url ,image to be upgraded ,version,id,expected build |
8 | Property to fetch rbuscli command for differnt type profile and also check for message packet | rbuscli_set_feature1,rbuscli_set_feature2,rbuscli_set_feature3,rbuscli_set_feature4,rbuscli_set_msgpack1,rbuscli_set_msgpack2,rbuscli_set_msgpack3,rbuscli_set_msgpack4 | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY-V2-1005 | The value should be the configuration to set telemetry profile |
9 | Property to fetch rbuscli command to check accum markers | rbuscli.setvalue.t2reportprofile_accumulate,rbuscli.setvalue.t2reportprofile_msgpack_accumulate | 3DOTO-TC-RDKV-TELEMETRY_ACCUM-1002 | The value should be the configuration to set telemetry profile |
Automatics test constants
No | Description | Configuration | 3.0 Test case | Remarks |
Property to fetch the telemetry version | TELEMETRY_VERSION | 3DOTO-TC-TELEMETRY_NWCONNECT-1001 | Telemetry version to be set |