Partner can work on setting up Automatics system. This includes Automatics Orchestration, Automatics Properties, Device Manager, Jenkins and job configurations, Maven artifact deployment of Automatics Core and RDKB Test Utils. Refer Automatics Architecture to get more details on how various components are linked in Automatics.

Hardware Requirements for Automatics is available at Automatics Hardware Requirements.

After VMs with required hardware specifications are ready and available, partner can start setting up tools in the VMs as mentioned below.

1. Setup and configure Device Manager

Device Manager is a REST API based tool that manages device details. The tool works as an inventory of devices providing device details, manages device reservation and so on. It also provides implementation of DeviceManagement APIs required by Automatics Orchestration and Automatics Core with basic data available in Device Manager.Refer below steps to setup and configure device manager in VMs.

2. Setup and configure Automatics Orchestration

After Device Manager is setup and configures in VMs setup Automatics Orchestration on VMs as a part of Automatics.

Automatics Orchestration, as the name suggests, it orchestrates the execution of tests on RDK builds. It provides a good user interface through which user can schedule execution, view and analyze execution results, manage test scripts for execution and configure data for automated CI verification.

  • Automatics Orchestration Setup

             Deployment Steps for setting up Automatics Orchestration in VMs is available at Automatics Orchestration Setup.

  • Automatics Orchestration Configuration

             After setting up Automatics Orchestration in VMs Partner has to configure the list of parameter values for their environment which are required for test execution and description of each parameter is available at Automatics Orchestration Configuration which helps the partner to configure them.

3. Setup and configure Automatics Properties

User can configure automatics and partner specific config data and device model specific config data using the Automatics Properties tool. The data from Automatics Properties will be consumed by  Automatics Core/Partner Implementation/Rest Implementation Projects for executing the test cases. Partner can also configure their environment specific config data to it.Refer below steps to setup and configure Automatics Properties.

  • Steps to setup Automatics properties are available at Automatics Properties#Setup
  • List of properties expected in properties document and the partners can configure the data required for test execution on Automatics in VMs. Refer Automatics Properties

4. Setup and configure Jenkins jobs for test execution

Jenkins is used by Automatics to perform test execution and to deploy Automatics Core to maven artifact repository.

Refer below steps to setup and configure Jenkins job.

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