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The LED Manager is an application that is responsible for controlling the LEDs on the product. Manages the STB front panel color LED to communicate the system status. It initializes the LED hardware and exposes functionality to the rest of the system via iarm events and calls.The LED manager has knowledge of the physical layout of the LED's and organizes them into logical groups. The LED's can be controlled individually or as a group according to the product requirements. The LED manager can be programmed with pre-defined animations which are exposed to the rest of the system via iarm bus calls.
The high level state diagram for the LED manager process is shown below.
Ledmgr stack contains generic and device specific code. Device specific implementation is in 'extended' folder which has device specific lighting specification. There is a noop implementation provided which can be referred by OEM vendors to implement device specific 'extended' folder.
LED Manager API specification is available in the Doxygen page: LED Manager API Specifications