"event" Parameter Properties

Defines an event parameter. This data comes from a component that has been instrumented to send its telemetry data via Telemetry 2 APIs.


   "type": "event",
   "name": "XH_RSSI_1_split",
   "eventName": "xh_rssi_3_split",
   "component": "ccsp-wifi-agent",
   "use": "absolute",
   "reportEmpty": "true"

Available Properties






Defines an event parameter.


  • is required
  • Type: string

type Constraints

constant: the value of this property must be equal to:



Optional: The key name to be used for this data in the generated report.


  • is optional
  • Type: string


The event name by which the component will report this data to Telemetry 2


  • is required
  • Type: string
  • cannot be null


The name of the component from which this data should be expected. Telemetry 2 will use this name to register its interest with the component.


  • is required
  • Type: string


This property indicates how the data for this parameter should be gathered and reported.
•  "count": Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is the number of times it has occurred during the reporting interval..
•  "absolute": Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is the last actual value received, in the case of events, or found in the log file, in the case of greps.
•  "csv": Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is a comma separated list of all the actual values received, in the case of events, or found in the log file, in the case of greps. NOTE: "csv" is not currently supported in Telemetry 2.0.


  • is optional
  • Type: string

use Constraints

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:



"count"Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is the number of times it has occurred during the reporting interval.
"absolute"Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is the last actual value received, in the case of events, or found in the log file, in the case of greps.
"csv"Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is a comma separated list of all the actual values received, in the case of events, or found in the log file, in the case of greps. NOTE: "csv" is not currently supported in Telemetry 2.0.

Indicates that the value to report for this parameter is an array of all values received over the course of the reporting period. 

Example 1: Marker name is "my_marker_name" and first instance of the event was "Data from event 1":  
{ "my_marker_name": [

                "Data from event 1",

                "Data from event 2",

                "Data from event 3"



use Default Value

The default value is:



Should this marker name be included in the generated report even if the search string was not found in the log file?


  • is optional
  • Type: boolean

reportEmpty Default Value

The default value is:



Specifies if a timestamp should be captured and reported to indicate the time at which this event was received by the Telemetry Framework.  If specified, this timestamp will appear in the generated report as the eventName with suffix of "_CT".  If "use" is "accumulate", the timestamp will be reported as an array where each element corresponds to the same element index for the event data.


  • is optional
  • Type: string

reportTimestamp Constraints

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

"Unix-Epoch"Indicates that the timestamp value must be captured and reported as a Unix Epoch timestamp
"None"Indicates that no timestamp should be captured or reported for this event

reportTimestamp Default Value

The default value is:


  • No labels