RDK Services are nothing but the RDK components are implemented as Thunder Nano Services and maintained in RDK Central's GitHubhttps://github.com/rdkcentral/rdkservices
Initially, this is started in the Comcast side and validated on the RPi reference platform and the Yocto recipe is maintained only in meta-rdk-video layer. Recently RDK services are made open-source and available in GitHub so, the recipe to avail this on CMF community (meta-cmf-video layer) as rdkservices_git.bbappend which points to GitHub's repository.
Currently, RDK services are excluded from Thunder Image builds and this depends with ServiceManager and WPE WebKit for (OpenCDM Implementation)
RDK UI Services works on top ofRDK Shell which is an application management native component that provides the Wayland Composition. RDK Shell will be a small shared library that provides this feature. A sample binary is available to validate and also integrated as an RDK Service.
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly' (but meta-rdk/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-rdk-media-common.bbRDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it) ERROR: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly was skipped: because it has a restricted license not whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST
RDK Media common package group has GStreamer ugly plugins run-time dependency
commercial Whitelist flag added for Gstreamer ugly plugin and mpg123.
Also lame is not required for RDK build as it has a restricted license.
Not able to get the ssh terminal once the image is booted
No way to edit RDK Services configuration file as the rootfs generated with read-only mode
bbappend files for RDK Images which are maintained in meta-cmf-raspberrypi layer are disabled theread-only-rootfsIMAGE Feature only under that bbappend scope so, if any new image bbappend introduced, the image generated with this feature.
removed read-only-rootfs feature globally for all RPI images Change-set: 43245