RDK-B software stack consists of various components. Each component has a specific functionality which it supports and a set of objects associated to it. Lets see the RDK-B Components in detail here:

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  1. I can't access the link to the HomeSecurity component (CcspHomeSecurity), as it directs to a restricted-access page. Is that intentional?

  2. Where can I find the information and source code for CcspTelcoVoipAgent?

  3. Hi, I can't access the link to the RDM (RDK Download Manager component (RDM (RDK Download Manager), as it directs to a restricted-access page. Is that intentional?

  4. Hi Z-Juan Pablo GINOCCHIO

    RDM component is not fully functional in community side, the page has some proprietary information which can not be published to community.