Released Automatics Webconfig Related Test Cases - 7

Test Case TypeTotal Count
1 DOT04
3 DOT03

Features Covered

1TC-RDKB-WEBCONFIG_SUBDOC_VERSION-100112Testcase to verify Webconfig Metadata for supported Docs and VersioningRelease 27RDKM1 DOT0
2TC-RDKB-WEBCONFIG-WIFI-100214Verify WiFi Component Changes for Webconfig for synchronizationRelease 27RDKM1 DOT0
3TC-RDKB-WEB-CONFIG-50017Error handling framework for Webconfig BLOBRelease 27RDKM1 DOT0
4TC-RDKB_WEBCONFIG_PRIVATE_VAP-1002​25Validate Private Vap feature using WebconfigRelease 27RDKM1 DOT0
53DOT0-TC-RDKB-WEBCONFIG_TELEMETRY_1001  39Validate WebConfig Client: Webconfig Metadata for Supplementary services(Telemetry)Release 27RDKM3DOT0
63DOT0-TC-RDKB-LAN_BLOB_THROUGH_WEBCONFIG6Executing lan blob through webconfigRelease 27RDKM3DOT0
73DOT0-KILL-WEBCONFIG-PROCESS-10006To validate if all the processes are gracefully restarted after killing the processRelease 27RDKM3 DOT0
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