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Glossary of RDK Terms and Abbreviations

A2DP  Advanced Audio Distribution Profile  
AAAAQuad A DNS resource records to hold IPv6 addresses
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AAMPAdvanced Adaptive Media Player
ABRAdaptive Bit Rate
AC3Audio Coding 3
ACLAccess Control List
ACRAlternate Content Router
ACSAuto-Configuration Server
ADMAd Decision Manager/Advertising Manager
ADSApplication Discovery Service
ADSG Advanced DOCSIS Settop Gateway
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AKEAuthentication and Key Exchange
ALGApplication Layer Gateway
AMRAsynchronous Message Router
AMSAd Management Service
ANQPAccess Network Query Protocol
AP Access point
APDUApplication Protocol Data Unit
APIApplication Programming Interface
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ASPAdvanced Support Program
ATKAccessibility Toolkit 
ATSCAdvanced Television Systems Committee standards.  A set of standards developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee for digital television transmission over terrestrial, cable, and satellite networks.
ATKAccessibility Toolkit 
AVEAdobe AVE Video Engine
AVRCP Audio/Video Remote Control Profile
AVSAmazon Voice Server
AWGAdvanced Wireless Gateway
AWSAmazon Web Services
BLEBluetooth Low Energy
brctlbridge Control
BSPBoard Support Package
BSSBusiness Support Systems
BSSIDBasic Service Set Identifier
CAMCable Access Module
CANHConditional Access Network Handler for OCAP
CASConditional Access Server (or System)
CATConditional Access Table
CATVCommunity Access TV
CCICopy Control Information
CCSPCommon Component Software Platform
CCTVClosed Caption Television
CBRCommercial Business Router
CCAPConverged Cable Access Platform - combined CMTS and edge QAM requirement driven partially by space and power efficiency but this also assists with a gradual migration to all IP delivery
CCICopy Control Information
CCSPCommon Component Software Platform
CCTVClosed Caption Television
CDCConnected Device Configuration
CDMContent Decryption Module.The  The term comes from the Encrypted Media Extensions Specification (EME). This is a clientside component that provides content protection services to an application, such as generating license requests and performing decryption.
CDNContent Delivery Network (also known as Infinity Phase 2 and CCDN)
cDVRCloud Digital Video Recorder
CECustomer Edge
CEA-608Standard for Closed Captioning for NTSC TV Broadcast
CEA-708Standard for Closed Captioning for ATSC digital television stream
CEDIACustom Electronic Design and Installation Association
CEDMContent Encryption Decryption Module 
CEPCable Entry Point
CHILAThe CableCARD Host Interface Licensing Agreement (CHILA) restricts the technologies that CE companies may use for distributing video from host devices.
CIDContent Identifier
CIFS Common Internet File System 
CIMComponent Interface Module 
CLICommand Line Interface 
CMCable Modem
CMFCode Management Facility
CMTSCable Modem Termination Systems
CNRCarrier to Noise Ratio
COAMCustomer owned and maintained
COMComponent Object Model
COSACisco Open Source Architecture
CPCClient Platform Components
CRComponent Registrar
CRLsCertificate Revocation Lists
CRUDCreate, Read, Update, and Delete
CSPCommunications Service Providers
CSRCustomer Service Representative
CSRCustomer Service Representative
CWMPCPE WAN Management Protocol
DACDigital-to-Analog converter
DAIDynamic Ad Insertion
DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP 
DCAData Collection and Analysis
DCMDevice Configuration Manager
DCSDynamic Channel Selection
DDNSDynamic Domain Name System
DES Data Encryption Standard
DFSDynamic Frequency Selection
DHCP Dynamic host control protocol
DIALDiscovery and LaunchDLNA Digital Living Network Alliance
DLNA CVP-1DLNA Commercial Video Player
DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance
DMCLIDatabase Manager Command Line Interface
DMLData Model Management Layer
DMPDigital Media Player.  This is a DLNA-compliant client device.
DMSDigital Media Server.  This is a DLNA-compliant server device.
DNCSDigital Network Control System - The Cisco Head End main component used by MSOs to provide network services to their customers.
DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications
Dolby MS11 Dolby Multi Stream Decoder 
DPoEDocsis Provisioning of EPON
DPPDevice Provisioning Protocol 
DRMDigital Rights Management - A system for ensuring that content owners' rights are protected for media that is streamed or delivered to clients.
DRMDigital Rights Management
DSDevice Settings
DSCPDifferentiated Services Field Codepoints
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSLAMDigital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers
DS-LiteDual Stack Lite
DTCP Digital Transmission Content Protection
DTCP-IPDigital Transmission Content Protection over IP.  It provides authentication keys, encryption, copy and usage information to help protect digital assets as they are transmitted over IP networks.
DTSDigital Theater Sound
DUTDevice Under Test
DVB Digital Video Broadcast(ing) 
DVRDigital Video Recorder
DVSDescriptive Video Services 
E2EEnd To End
EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol 
EAS Emergency/Electronic Alert System.  A system designed to inform subscribers that a national emergency is taking place. Also used for local weather alerts.
ECBEthernet to Coax Bridge
ECMEntitlement Control Message
EDIDExtended Display Identification Data
E-EMIExtended Encryption Mode Indicator
eEPembedded End Point
EGLNative Platform Graphics Interface
EITEvent Information Table
ELANEthernet private LAN
EMEEMEEME Stands for "Encrypted Media Extensions Specification" and it is specified in the context of web browser.
eMGembedded Media Gateway
EMIEncryption Mode Indicator
EMMEntitlement Management Message.  A message sent from the CASMR to a DTA to tell the DTA that a service is authorized or unauthorized.
Entitlement serviceProvides three primary functions to determine a customer’s rights to receive a service or asset:  
Entitlement topic data
Definition and implementation of business rules related to the entitlement decisions
Processing and determination of entitled events.
EOSEnd Of Stream
EPGElectronic Program Guide
EPONEthernet Passive Optical Network
eRTembedded Router
eSAFEembeddedService/ApplicationFunctional Entities
ETVEnhanced TV
EWANEthernet WAN
FECForward Error Correction - most commonly used in connection with DOCSIS where variable outside plan conditions make robust error detection and correction essential.
FlashAccess™A technology for delivering secure, authorized and content-protected media across a network to a large number of devices.  FlashAccess that can be licensed from Adobe Systems 
Fog Local IP buffer for time shifting IP Linear content.
FPDFront Panel Display
FPSFrames Per Second
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GASGeneric Advertisement Service
GatewayA device that provides services between two networks.  Typical RDK gateways are located in the customer premises, providing services to the devices within the home.
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
gitThe git source code repository - see SVN
GLIBAn open source cross-platform library developed and maintain by the GNOME project that provides APIs for data structures, threaded programming primitives, and IO functions
GLIBCA GNU Implementation of the standard C Library
GOPGroup of Picture used in MPEG2/4 Video data
GPONGigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
GREGeneric Routing Encapsulation 
G-StreamerAn open source pipeline-based multimedia framework
GUIGraphical User Interface
GwProvGateway Provisioning
HALHardware Abstraction Layer
HDCPHigh Definition Content Protection
HDKbHTTP Dynamic Streaming Broadcast SDK
HDMIHigh Definition Multimedia Interface
HDRHigh Dynamic Range
HDRIn In regards to consumer displays, 4K generally equates to a 3840x2160-resolution panel. This means the typical 4K screen will offer 3,840 horizontal pixels and 2,160 vertical pixels. When you multiply these numbers together, you get a panel with more than 8 million pixels. This is four times the pixel density of a traditional 1080p HD panel.
HDSHTTP Dynamic Streaming
HDTVA digital television standard with four to six times the picture resolution of analog TVs. HDTV, standardized by the Advanced Television Systems Committee in 1996, doubled both vertical and horizontal resolution of analog TV displays, and added CD-quality, digital sound. 
Headless GatewayA gateway device that does not provide local a UI.
HEVCHigh Efficiency Video Coding
HIDHuman Interface Device
HLDHigh Level Design
HLSHTTP Live Streaming
HMACHash-based message authentication code
HNAPHome Network Administration Protocol
HRVHost Reset Vector
HSHome Security 
HSDHigh Speed Data
HTTPHypertext Trasmission Protocol - the protocol used by Web servers and Browsers on the Internet
HTTPSHTTP over SSL - Secure transmission of HTTP that uses th Secure Sockets Layer.
IARMInter-Application Resource Manager.  This is the main system bus for Events and Messages in the RDK platform.  It implements a Publish-and-Subscribe metaphor.
ICCInterface Controller Card
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
IDLInterface Definition Language
IDSIntrusion Detection System
IGDInternet Gateway Device Protocol
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IPPInternet printing protocol.
IPPVImpulse Pay-Per-View
IPsecInternet Protocol Security
IPTVInternet Protocol television 
ISPInternet Service Provider
JavaA portable, object-oriented programming language originally developed by Sun MicroSystems.  Java programs are executed inside a JVM.
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
JVMJava Virtual Machine.  A software container for running Java programs.
L2TPLayer Two Tunneling Protocol
L2VPNLayer 2 Virtual Private Network
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LLIDLogical Link Identifier
LMLAN Manager
LSALinear Segment Advertising
LSBLinux Standard Base
LTELong Term Evolution 
LTSIDLocal Transport Stream IDentifier
LXCLinux Containers
MAFMedia Analytics Framework
MCSModulation and Coding Scheme
MD5Message Digest 5
MDCMulticast Data Client
MDDMAC Domain Descriptor
MDVRMulti-Room/Media hub Digital Video Recorder
MIBManagement MIBManagement Information Base
MIMOMDD IP Mode Override
MLDMulticast Listener Discovery
MoCAMultimedia over Coax Alliance, MoCA is a standards organization that supports a technology to provide the backbone for home digital entertainment networks.
MP1MPEG-1 AudioLayer I, commonly abbreviated to MP1
MPEG2TSMPEG2 Transport Stream
MPEG-TS Motion Pictures  Expert Group Transport Stream
MPEG2TSMPEG2 Transport Stream
MPTSMulti Program Transport Stream
MSEMedia Source Extension
MSO Multi system operator-Industry term indicating a cable provider that owns and operators more than one system or group of systems.
MTAMedia Terminal Adapter
MTBFMean Time Between Failure
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
MVPMinimum Viable Product
MVPDMultichannel video providers
NASNetwork Attached Storage 
NATNetwork address translation
NC Network Coordinator 
NCSNetwork Call Signalling
nDVRNetwork-Based Digital Video Recording
NITNetwork Information Table.  The Table ID extension is used to identify the available transmission networks together with a directory listing of transport streams and their originating network operator with descriptors listing the modulation and source of those streams.
NMSNetwork Management System 
NPNetwork Processor
nPVRNetworked Personal Video Recorder
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NTSNear Term Storage
NTTNetwork Text Table
NVODNear Video On Demand
NVRAMNon-Volatile Random Access Memory
OAMOperations, Administration and Maintenance
OAM&POperations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning
OCAPOpen Cable Application Platform for delivering applications and services on an RF network. 
OCAP-RIOpenCable Application Platform Reference Implementation
OCDMOpen Content Decryption Module
OCFOpen Connectivity Forum
OCIOperations Chronic Issue
ODIDOn Demand (session) Identification
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer.  An OEM manufactures devices that may be sold in the market under a variety of brand names.
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OICOpen Interconnect Consortium
OIDObject Identifier
OLTOptical Line Terminal
ONTOptical Network Termination
ONUOptical Network Unit
ONUIDUnique physical ONU identification number
OPOperating Procedure (Management System)
Open GLOpen Graphics Library - A low-level graphics toolkit that allows lines, shapes, text and other basic graphics elements to be rendered on screen.
Open GL/ESOpenGL for Embedded Systems- a subset of OpenGL designed for embedded systems.
OpExOperations Expenditure
OSDOn Screen Display/Diagnostic
OSMFOpen Source Media Framework
OSPOnline Services Platform
OSSOperational support systems 
OSSOpen-Source Software
OSUOnline Sign up
OTAOver the Air
OTTOver The Top
OUIOrganizationally Unique Identifier
OWASPOpen Web Application Security Project
PAProtocol Agent as in Snmp PA and TR069 PA
PANPersonal Area Network as specified in IEEE 802.15.4
PandMProvisioning And Management
PARPerformance, Availability, Reliability
PATProgram Association Table
PCMPulse Code Modulation
PCPProtected Content Packet
PCRProgram Clock Reference
PDUPower Distribution Unit
PEProvider Edge
PESPacketized Elementary Stream per [ISO/IEC 13818-1]
PGM Pragmatic General Multicast / Pretty Good Multicast
PHYPhysical Layer
PIDProgram (or Packet) Identifier per [ISO/IEC 13818-1]
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information (e.g. email address). This is information for which some form of security proceedures or cautions should probably be taken. This information can occasionally be encrypted at rest.
PINGPacket InterNet Groper
PKCSPublic-Key Cryptography Standard
PlayReady™A DRM technology framework that can be licensed from Microsoft for streaming media using Digital Rights Management.
PMTProgram Map Table
PODPassword Of the Day
PoEPower over Ethernet
PONPassive Optical Network
PPPoEPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PPTPPoint-To-Point Tunneling Protocol
PRPackage Release (Yocto)
PSCPackaging Scripts
PSIProgram Specific Information
PSMPersistent Storage Manager
PSNProcessor Serial Number 
PTSPresentation Time Stamp
PVIDPort VLAN identifier
PVRPersonal Video Recorder
QAQuality Assurance
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation - a QAM is used to convert a digital singal into an analog RF (radio Frequency) signal for transmission on a cable network.
QEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
QOSQuality of Service
QPSKQuadature Phase-Shift Keying - A digital modulation technique which changes the phase of the reference signal or carrier wave using four phases. US cable headends often use QPSK modulation for the out-of-band channel. 
Qt  ("Cute")An open source, widely used windowing famework used by the RDK
RADDRemote Addressable DANIS (Digital Addressable Network Interface Server) DLS (Download Server)
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RBIReceiver RBIReceiver Based Insertion 
RCDLRDK Code Download
RCSRegional Control System
RDKReference Design Kit
RDK CentralThe publicly available website for RDK
RDK WikiA wiki for RDK developers to access RDK related information, support, forums and content.
RDM Remotely downloadable module
RESTRepresentational State Transfer
RF4CERadio Frequency for Consumer Electronics
RFCRemote Feature Control
RIBRouting Information Base
RIPRouting Information Protocol
RMFRDK Media Framework
RMF Media StreamerComponent of RMF
RMSReboot Management System
RNERDK Native Environment SDK (RNE) is intended to provide a development environment for applications targeted to run in RDK environment
RPCRemote Procedure call
RPDRouting protocol process
RSSIRelative Signal Strength Indicator
RTCPReal Time Control Protocol
RTEReal Time Encoding
RTPReal-Time Transport Protocol as specified by [RFC 3550]
RTSPReal Time Streaming Protocol
RUIRemote User Interface
SAMService Activation Model
SAPSecondary Audio Programming 
SASService Activation System
SATSite Acceptance Test
SAXSimple API for XML
SCMSet-top Configuration Manager
SCTESociety of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SDSSoftware Design Specification
SDTVStandard Definition Television
SDVSwitched Digital Video
SEM SmartStream Encryptor Modulator 
SFP Stream Flight Planner
SGService Group
SHOSuper Hub Office
SISystem Information
SIKSelf Install Kit
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SLAService Level Agreements
SMService Manager
SMB Small To Medium-Sized Businesses
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks.
SNRSignal Noise Ratio
SOAStart Of Authority - a type of record in a DNS
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SoCSystem On Chip - A chipset that provides much of what is needed for a complete computer system packaged on a single chip.
SPPSerial Port Profile
SPTSSingle Program Transport Stream
SRMSession and Resource Manager
SSHSecure Shell - a UNIX-like command shell that uses SSL to encrypt all the network traffic for secure access to a command line on a remote server.
SSIDService Set Identifier
SSLSecure Sockets Layer - A common technology used to encrypt network traffic for tramsission over TCP/IP networks.
SSPSynchronous Serial Port
Stable ReleaseAs RDK develops, quarterly releases will branch. Each release branch will be designated into release candidates. 
STBSet-Top Box
STC System Time Clock
STPSpanning Tree Protocol
STTSystem Time Table
STUNSession Traversal Utilities through Network Address Translators (NATs)
SVCSub-Band Coding
S-VCTShort-form Virtual Channel Table
SVNThe Subversion (Source Code Repository) - see git
SVPSecure Video Path
TADTest And Diagnostic
TCP/UDPTransmission Control Protocol/ User Datagram Protocol
TCsTest Cases
TDMTest And Diagnostic Manager/Time Division Multiplexing
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
Title VITitle Six calls for Closed Captioning of Public Service announcements.  This is typically a transcription of the audio portion of a program.
TKIPTemporal Key Integrity Protocol
TLSTransport Layer Security
TOSType of Service
TR-69Defines an application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices.
Tru2WayInteractive digital cable services delivered over the cable video network.  Tru2way is sometimes called OCAP.
TSBTime Shift Buffer
TTSTransportStream Time Stamp
TTSText to Speech
UARTUniversal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
UNIUser Network Interface
UPnPUniversal Plug and Play.  This is a network protocol for broadcasting and discovering services on the network.  It allows devices to find services or ro announce that they are providing services.
URIUniform Resource Identifier - a compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource.
USGUniFi Security Gateway
UTCCoordinated Universal Time, Unified Transaction Completion
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
UVEUnified Video Engine
UXUser Experience
VBN Virtual Beta Network
VBR Variable Bit Rate
VCNVirtual Channel Number
vCPEVirtual CPE
VEip Virtual Ethernet interface point
VHOVideo Hub Office
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
VoIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VPCVideo Path Control
VPOPView Primary Output Port
VQMVideo Quality Monitoring 
VSSVideo System Services 
WDSWireless Distribution System
WebDAVWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
WebPAWeb-based Protocol Agent
WebRTC Web Real-Time Communication 
WECBWireless Ethernet Coax Bridge
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
WHiXWifi Happiness Index
WLANWireless LAN
WMMWi-Fi Multimedia
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
WPEWeb Platform For Embedded
WPSWiFi Protected Setup
WRPWeb Routing Protocol
WSSWeb Socket secure
X11X Windowing System
XConfX1 Configuration Manager
XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XPCXfinity Power Cloud
YAJIYet Another JSON Iterator - an Open Source JSON parser used in the RDK Stack.
